DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > Canada > Ontario > Report # 24733
Report # 24733  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Sunday, September 14, 2008.
Daytime sighting behind a cabin near Westport
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YEAR: 2008

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: August

DATE: 15




NEAREST ROAD: County Road #10

OBSERVED: I had just woken up and it was a lovely sunny August morning - so I pulled up the blind and looked out of window on the 2nd floor at the back of our cabin.I said to my husband "there is a man walking through our woods". He said "Let's go and see who it is".
Then it happened I suddenly felt really fearful and said "No".

After that statement I have been replaying the sight like a full internal video - with plenty of questions in my mind (like there were no clothes) and am now glad to find your site.

As soon as I looked out I saw a large dark figure stride out of the forest and into a small grassed clearing about 40 to 50 metres from the back of our cabin. The figure was over 6 feet and was mostly medium brown - with different coloured brown patches and one patch of hay coloured yellow on its side that stood out in the sun. It walked with a fluid grace and in three long strides crossed the clearing. Then it turned its face towards me for a split second and it had a dark grayish flat face - which to me had no brown patches.

ALSO NOTICED: Later that morning we heard crashes and breaking twigs in the forest behind our cabin and later we had a rail come from the swamp area screaming and petrified in a way I have never heard before.



- a bright sunny morning, warm day
- the sun totally illuminated the grassy area where the observation was made

ENVIRONMENT: Our forest is a shield forest - lots of white pine, maples, oaks amount rock outcrops and small grassy areas - from the road the forest goes to a ridge which runs above a stream and a large swamp.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Todd Prescott:

Spoke with witness via the telephone for an hour and a half. Witness is a very experienced outdoors person with thousands of hours logged in the wilderness observing and studying birds as one of her major interests. The following details can be added to the report:

Witness and spouse have seasonally spent time in a log cabin since 1978. The cabin is fairly remote with only one other seasonal neighbor close by. Many miles of mixed forest consume the area. There is a small clearing (approx 10-15ft across) that can be seen from the side of the cabin. Just beyond the clearing is a ridge that slopes down to a creek. The creature was viewed moving from north to south across the aforementioned clearing. Witness was able to view the creature for approx six seconds in total. Creature stepped out of the treeline and into the sun-lit clearing. It strolled across to the other side in three steps. Witness lost sight of it for a few seconds as it re-entered the forest. The head and face reappeared, as it seemingly descended the slope leading to the creek, but the rest of the body remained hidden by trees and/or ridgeline. Unfortunately, sunlight was obscured where the creature reappeared, and consequentially, finer details of the face were not observable.

Additional details given of the creature and its behavior are as follows:

- legs were sturdy and well-built (athletic looking)
- neck was short
- creature looked healthy, strong and large (mesomorphic body-type)
- creature exuded a strong presence and walked gracefully with a purpose
- patchy light to dark brown, lush hair/fur covered its body
golden patch of hair/fur just above waist
- face was oval-shaped, flat and a darkish gray in color

Within an hour and thirty minutes of the sighting, loud banging/crashing sounds from the forest behind the cabin could be heard. The sounds lasted for about 20 minutes. At noon, a rail (a type of bird) frantically flew from the creek/ridge area towards the log cabin. According to the witness, the sounds the rail was emitting indicated that the bird was in distress.

Also of interest...

An oriole feeder had been left out (hooked on a sumac branch) a week prior to the sighting. It was placed at a height of approximately 7ft, hanging from a tree branch. When the couple (the witness and spouse) had arrived the day prior to the sighting, they found it odd that the oriole feeder was on the ground and empty of its sugar-water contents. It was as if something or someone had removed it.

As well, a large rock (between 20-30lbs approx) had been pulled up from where it had been deeply embedded and moved off the path/trail that leads down to the creek bed. Witness said, "It did not look like the work of a bear."

On October 11, 2008 at approx 1am, witness awoke to the sound of swishing water. Water is collected at the back of their cabin in a large trough for washing and running water. The top of the trough sits at a height of 9ft with a heavy cover for protection. Witness opened her window blind and heard a set of loud 'oooooo' sounds just below and to the right of her. Then, to the left, she heard a very loud and powerful 'OOOO' sound. Her husband also heard the second 'OOOO', and later stated that it was like no other sound he'd heard before.

Witness felt that there were two creatures; possibly an order was given by the seemingly larger creature to the seemingly smaller creature. The bottom of the bedroom window is approx 5ft from the ground. The same water splashing sound was again heard later in the evening. With the second visit, the witness turned on the light at the window. No more sounds were heard thereafter.

Ontario BFRO Investigators, Todd Prescott and Chris Lau, camped overnight on witnesses' property October 24, 2008. A thermal imager (Thermal Eye x200xp) and Bushnell IR Trailscout Pro Trailcam were deployed. Unfortunately, heavy rain interfered with the investigation and research.

Witnesses' cabin is powered by solar power. As well, there is no indoor plumbing, but rather a composting toilet is used and the aforementioned water trough for washing and cleaning. A marshy lake and windy creek can be found approx 500 yards from the cabin down at the bottom of a steep ridge. Numerous animal runs/trails can be found throughout the area as well.

A second follow-up is scheduled for the Spring of 2009. Update to follow.

About BFRO Investigator Todd Prescott:

Todd Prescott has been researching the subject of bigfoot for well over 20 years Todd attended the 2006 and 2008 B.C. Coastal Expeditions, 2008 and 2011 Pennsylvania Expedition, 2010 Pennsylvania Mini Expeditions, the 2007 Ontario Expedition and he hosted the Ontario 2009 Expedition. His research has taken him as far as Alaska to PA, Northern Ontario to BC, including a 2-week solo expedition throughout the Bella Coola (B.C.) region. In 2012, 2013, and 2014, Todd had the honor and privilege of spending many days/nights with one of the pioneers of sasquatch research, Mr. John Green (1927-2016), in BC where he was granted permission to peruse Mr. Green's extensive files dating back to 1957. Todd also had the unique experience of researching with Mr. Green near Harrison Hot Springs one evening. Currently, Todd is working on several books pertaining to the subject of sasquatch.

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