DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > Canada > British Columbia > Report # 24377
Report # 24377  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Friday, August 8, 2008.
Rural resident hears prolonged vocals near Lumby
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YEAR: 2008

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: August

DATE: 08

PROVINCE: British Columbia


LOCATION DETAILS: Sound was heard toward Hwy 6 and Lumby from our house, finally moved across the valley before not being heard again.


NEAREST ROAD: Whitevale Road

OBSERVED: This happened last night around 2:00am. The bedroom window was open, and I was woke up by a strange sound. I could hear dogs barking off in a distance. This sound was something I have never heard before. A high pitch cry or scream, that seem to have two different tones.

I got up and went to the window just to listen. This call or scream continued for a good 10 minutes and seem to be over toward Hwy. 6 and Lumby. It was not a steady sound, it had periods of silence between each scream. It appeared to be a distance away from our house.

I went in to my 21 year old sons room, woke him up and asked him to listen. At first he said it could be a coyote, but after he was fully awake, and listened, he said no, that he had never heard anything like it before. It finally drifted off toward the other side of the valley.

It was definately high pitched with the second sound being a different tone. Its really hard to discribe. This is my first encounter with something of this nature. But when we lived in Fairmont Hot Springs, my oldest son and my daughter had a visual sighting, driving from Fairmont toward Invermere around 11:00pm. That would have been in 2002.

I will tell you what I know about that, but would have to find out if my daughter would be willing to relate the story. My youngest son also had a sighting while living in Fairmont. I am sure he would be willing to relate that incident.

OTHER WITNESSES: I woke up my son, who said he had never heard anything like it. He said it sound like a high pitched, two tone cry. Like what ever it was, was either in pain or was calling to something.

OTHER STORIES: I have read about the incidents that have happened in the Lumby area on your website.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Approx. 2:00am - warm night so all the windows were open.

ENVIRONMENT: We live in a valley with wilderness on both sides. Lumby is a small community on Hwy. 6 and we live about 10 minutes outside Lumby on Whitevale Road.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Gary Cronin:

I spoke with this witness by phone.

The witness said that at about 2am she was awakened by an unfamilar sound. These sounds would occur every 2-3 minutes and lasted 6-9 seconds in duration. The vocalizations lasted about 30 minutes.

From the direction the vocalizations were coming from the witness and her son felt that what ever was making them had to be moving along a nearby creek.

The next day they scoured the Internet and came across several sasquatch vocalizations. After listening to them they felt that the recording of the Klamath Falls sounds were the closest match to what they had heard.

Regarding her daughter's sighting, she happened to also be at the house when I interviewed the mother. She described a large grey bipedal creature running across the highway. She believes that it occurred in the summer of 2001 about 11pm at night between Fairmont and Invermere BC.

About BFRO Investigator Gary Cronin:

Gary first became interested in sasquatch when he moved from Liverpool England to Calgary Canada in 1975. He soon came upon a book by a John Green and has been fascinated with the topic ever since. He has attended the 2007 Vancouver Island Expedition and the 2008 BC Coastal Expedition. He is in the field scouring the Eastern Slopes of the Rockies for evidence on a weekly basis. Gary was involved in organizing the 2009 and 2010 Alberta expeditions.

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