DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > North Carolina > Onslow County > Report # 24334
Report # 24334  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Saturday, August 2, 2008.
While training a U.S. Marine witnesses a large creature near Camp LeJuene
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YEAR: 2005

SEASON: Winter

MONTH: February

STATE: North Carolina

COUNTY: Onslow County

LOCATION DETAILS: Camp Lejeune military base

NEAREST TOWN: Camp Lejeune (Camp Gaiger)


OBSERVED: We were conducting Marine Corp Training exercises. Our last training event was a mock war to apply what we had learned. So, my squad was over on top of a hill ridge over looking saddle. We were waiting for the enemy to come up the hill so we could engage them, but then we heard a noise from behind so we turned around to see what what it was. We thought it was a bear about ten yards but it seemed like it was taking a knee so we stared at it for about a minute then it got up onto its feet and started walking to our position and we did nothing as it walked between our fighting holes which were about 15 feet apart. As it passed by us, it knew that we were there because it didn't keep his eyes off of us, he looked down at me directly as it passed by then he stopped about 15 feet away, and turned around, but not completely, he turned at his waist to a look back and disappeared. It was big, at least 7 feet tall. I mean his body was muscular. It was the biggest thing I had ever seen

ALSO NOTICED: Weird smell

OTHER WITNESSES: About 5 witnesses including our Staff Sgt.

OTHER STORIES: Well not before, after I completed MCT. I was stationed in Okinawa, Japan and about September in the Marine Corp Times, there was an article about a sighting of Bigfoot outside Camp Lejeune, NC. I just smiled because I have told the story to my fellow Marines. Only one believed me because he's from Washington State.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Night, Cold good visibility

ENVIRONMENT: Pine Forest, Hill ridge.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Tommy Poland:

I spoke in length with the witness by telephone and he was able to provide a few more details:

The creature was on one knee to the right of his position, and near the other dug in (fox hole) positions near his location. He said he had a friend that used to play football and he is about 6' 7" tall, and this animal was considerably larger.

It stood up on two legs, and just continued to look at him and his partner as it started walking between the two foxholes and started down the hill. He said it was not moving very fast at all, but calm and confident, "like he owned the place". He said it was covered in very thick dark brown/black hair and when it turned to look back at them its whole upper body would move instead of just the neck and head. They were able to get a good look at the creature because there was a full moon and the creature was in a clearing near their foxholes.

There were four other witnesses, his partner in the fox hole with him, his Sergeant and two other Marines, who were in the other foxholes. After the incident, all who saw it discussed it and no one knew what it was.

Also noted was an unusual smell, he couldn't really describe it, but could only say that it was very strong.

This witness told me he had been out of the Marine Corps for the past 2 years, and was recounting what he saw - I did ask about the others, but he was not sure how to get in contact with them. But, he told me if he ever did, he would have them contact us.

In my five years of doing this research, he was one of my better phone interviews - I do believe what he saw was real, he was fairly adamant about it. Hopefully, the others will see his report on our website and come forward with some more details.

About BFRO Investigator Tommy Poland:

U.S. Army Veteran with training in Combat Infantry. Stationed in Camp Casey, Korea, Ft. Lewis, Washington and Ft. Polk, Louisiana. Currently employed with a Fortune 500 Company as an IT Security Analyst. Attended the North and South Carolina Expeditions in 2007 and North Carolina Expedition in 2008, 2009 and 2010.

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