DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Washington > Kitsap County > Report # 24129
Report # 24129  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Monday, July 7, 2008.
Two very tall hairy creatures seen running down the road at night near Indianola
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YEAR: 2008

SEASON: Summer



STATE: Washington

COUNTY: Kitsap County

LOCATION DETAILS: I had just past the H2O well where they have a new fence about a half mile west of the Indianola ball field, I was traveling on Indianola rd Ne heading towards miller Bay rd.

NEAREST TOWN: Indianola, Washington State

NEAREST ROAD: Indianola rd Ne

OBSERVED: July 1-2008 This happened tuesday night around 10;30pm in Kitsap county I was traveling on Indianola rd ne heading towards millerbay rd I had just past the Indianola ball-field appoximate 1/2 mile down the road when I seen in the distance at the end of my headlights two creatures running down the road at first all I could see is some one running in the middle of road and some one running next to that other person on the right along the white line. I saw a pinkish tan color hands and feet running real fast cause I was traveling 40 mph just black darkness except for the hands and feet then my headlights moved upwards and I caught sight of the black head to ankles all in black fir like a bear but was not a bear they were about nine to 10 feet in height only seen them for about six to eight seconds befor they ran off into the forest.

ALSO NOTICED: Other vechiles on road were minutes apart. could hear fireworks loud explosions all night long in distance.

OTHER WITNESSES: No one just me.on my way home in Suquamish.

OTHER STORIES: I have had other sightings while working in the woods but have had one other sighting while working in the Olympic Ranger District along the road.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: 10;30 pm clear night

ENVIRONMENT: Forested area with Douglas-fir,Red-Cedar,Hemlock and Red alder trees a stretch of road with no homes in sight.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Jim Von Lossow:

Additional information: Witness approached the 2 unknown figures riding in his car. At first he was unsure of what he was seeing, but as the road began a slight downhill section, he got a better look. This is when the headlights were raised enough to see the entire silhouette of both figures. They were in his headlights for 6 - 8 seconds. He was able to describe them as very heavy shouldered animals, running smoothly on two legs, at nearly 30 mph in his estimation. He just had glanced at his speedometer and it read 40 mph. In the 8 seconds of the sighting he was gaining on the pair but not overtaking them at any great speed. Also stated both had pointed head shapes with little or no neck and bulky, thick shoulders which were covered in black hair. The witness kept repeating how powerful and tall the two animals were, estimating upwards of 9 feet in height. Weight between 500 - 800 pounds. One was running near the centerline of the roadway, the other on the right hand shoulder portion of the road. The one in the center of the road began to angle his run toward the right side where it ran along side the other for a few steps. At this pont both veered off the road on a full run into the brushy treeline. The witness did not stop his vehicle, but continued on home.

This witness has had other documented sightings near this area as a full time forestry manager. He spends an estimated 300 days a year in the woods.

Earlier report by same witness:
Report #7441

About BFRO Investigator Jim Von Lossow:

Small Business Owner
Special Interest in Field Sound Recording
Attended the Washington (Oly Pen -2) expedition.

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