DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > Canada > British Columbia > Report # 22123
Report # 22123  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Saturday, December 8, 2007.
Possible snow tracks found in Skagit Valley south of Hope (w/photos)
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YEAR: 2000 ??

SEASON: Spring

PROVINCE: British Columbia


LOCATION DETAILS: aproximately 20 KM south of highway junction on Skagit valley rec road.


NEAREST ROAD: Skagit recreation road

OBSERVED: I observed some very large footprints in the melting snow on the Skagit Vally Road south of Hope B.C. I thought the distance between the tracks was unusually long as well so I immediately returned home to get my camera and yardstick to document the size of the tracks and distance between tracks. It was about 8 years ago but thought I should share the pictures with someone who has some experience in this area to see if they are possible bigfoot tracks or just those of a very big guy running down the road with a long gait. Tha snow had melted within the outline of the tracks down to the gravel but the shape of the track is closer to a footprint that a boot print. Just curious.



ENVIRONMENT: Cedar mix heavy forest in river valley

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Darcy Stoffregen:

The witness is not 100% sure what made these tracks but what made him think they may not be human is the shape and distance between tracks. The pictures that he sent to me show that they are different from boot tracks which have the foremost point more toward the middle of the track. These tracks have the foremost point off to one side, typical of most BF tracks with the big toe sticking out the farthest. The distance between tracks was approximately one meter. And the tracks were in line and not off set like human tracks. I've seen boot tracks melted out to the same extent as these tracks and they still show the general shape of a boot with the leading point to the center and more of an hour glass shape to them.That doesn't fit with these tracks.

Although the witness isn't positive what made the tracks I'm leaning toward BF because of the surrounding circumstances and time of year when there would have been fewer people in the area for a possible misidentification.

This is an area that has a history of BF reports. I've been to the general location several times and the floor of the valley is covered in marshy terrain. An abundance of wildlife is also present in the area and there are at least two salmon runs that go up the Skagit River each year. Thick dense forest and the food sources make this a perfect BF habitat.

About BFRO Investigator Darcy Stoffregen:

Darcy has participated in the 2007 Oregon, 2007 Vancouver Island, 2008 and 2009 BC Coastal, and 2010 Vancouver Island expeditions. He organized the 2008, 2009, 2010 BC Interior expeditions and coorganized the 2009 Alberta expedition.

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