DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > Canada > British Columbia > Report # 20960
Report # 20960  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Friday, August 17, 2007.
Late afternoon sighting by camper 14km outside Port Alberni
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YEAR: 2002

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: August

DATE: cant remember

PROVINCE: British Columbia


NEAREST TOWN: Port Alberni

NEAREST ROAD: Check the maps ...When you get to the end of the main drag ..Hang a right at the endof town right before the falls The falls they catch salmon at )

OBSERVED: OK first of all IM a musician from daytona beach florida.4 or 5 years ago my band was recording in Vancouver BC. On a few days off we were invited to go on a camping trip to this place by Port alberni(Ican give directions but couldnt tell you the spot) however it Is a provincial park And well known by lots of people. Its obout 15 minutes out of town...Let me start by saying it was my first camping trip ever and we went with a guy we met named Simon (no last names)he claimed to be a woodsman and by the way he could climb a tree I dont dought him.It was me, my wife, a band mate named Matt and his wife and simon...We got to our camp site and could not find the guy who sold fire wood so Simon got some little sticks together and made a little fireand the girls went to town(Port albernnie) to get some girl things)I said I would stay and look after the fire when they went and bought some fire wood.To keep the fire going I was running around pickin up what I could find and there was a branch that was kinda broken of this tree so I was pullin on it tryin to brake it off but it just wouldnt brake off and when I turned around to sorta pull on it I saw a bear in the bushesI didnt want to make eye contact with it so I turned around and started pulling with my back facing the bear..Then I became more than a little worried cause I do not know how bears are with people ...When I turned around to see what it was doing I thought it was a retarded person maybe camping with family..I said something like HELLO or HEY YOU being nice ,,made eye contact for 2 or 3 seconds and it stood right up and walked away It was walking on 2 feet and it was more broud than it was tall...also carried its hands much different than a person would ...I dont know how to explaine????but it was wierd..It didnt scare me at all I think it thought I was wierd...The one thing I remember the most is after it took 3 or 4 steps I couldnt hear it anymore...I just went back to our rented camp site and hung out till Simon and Matt got back Iwas not afraid ...Later I asked Simon if there were bears around here???Everybody just started lauphing at me...sain The first time I go camping I think I see bears ...bla bla bla..I never even told my wife the truth ...Wierd huh???the one I trust the thats what I have to say ...I have seen bears before and have got pretty close and they just seem to pay no attention.....Like I said I play in a band and do not like the outdoors (fishing ,hunting ,camping ...any of that) Thats what happened to me

ALSO NOTICED: I dont think they are mean ...I think they are nice ????things???Not human ..not animal

OTHER WITNESSES: I have told 2 guys about it ..In all this time 1 thought I was crazy ....The other said something like If I sse it Ill believe it .....

OTHER STORIES: I play in a Punk rock band (no names )

TIME AND CONDITIONS: If it gets dark oround 9 this was 6 or so pm

ENVIRONMENT: It had fast moving little river type thing with lots of those pine tee...Xmas trees around.....Thats what I was trying to break

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Colleen McDonald:

I spoke to the witness Jan. 8, 2008 then again on Jan. 9th to clarify some details.

He was sincere and forthright in the retelling of his report and added the following:

- Although this was his first camping trip the witness had seen bears as he was driving along the highway before. This creature was definitely not a bear.

- When the witness turned around to see what the creature was doing he thought it was a human with Down’s Syndrome that was crouched behind some bushes so he tried to talk to it. The creature then stood up and he looked in its eyes for 3-4 seconds then it walked away.

- When the creature was standing and facing the witness its arms were by its sides and the palms of the hands were facing the witness unlike a human with a similar posture would stand. The creature’s palms had black skin on them.

- It had a flat face and nose with a big forehead, only the chin stuck out a little, the facial skin was black in color. It had hair on its cheeks but not over the eyes or mouth. The eyes were dark but they were similar to a human, he could see the sclera(the white part of the eye). There were no visible ears on the creature.

- The witness was surprised how large the torso of the creature was, it had a massive chest. It had a short neck but when the creature was walking away the witness could not see the neck. It was approximately 6ft. tall and the witness estimates it weighed a minimum of 350lbs. It had hair that looked black, it was shiny and well groomed, 2 ½ to 3 inches in length.
The witness mentioned “the head had a point type thing.”

- There was no odor present during the encounter.

- When the creature walked away from the witness its body was leaning forward at an angle when it walked. He could not see the neck at this time because of this. If a human had walked at this angle, they would have fallen forward. He also stated that during the encounter he had no fear. He was more relieved that it was not a bear. He was surprised by how quietly the creature moved away from him through the bushes. It took three to four steps then he couldn’t hear it. He returned to the campsite and later asked his friends about bears being in the area, they laughed at him so he didn’t tell them about what he saw at the time.

The sighting location was in a rainforest near a river. The river is a major salmon spawning area and it is a popular salmon fishing spot. There are many types of wildlife in the area such as deer, squirrels, birds, rabbits, cougars and bears.

I walked into the park Nov. 1, 2007 to have a look around. I did see some secondary evidence in the form of tree signs.

About BFRO Investigator Colleen McDonald:

Colleen McDonald has certificates from North Island College in Small Business Management and the Aquaculture Training Program. Her interests are hiking, fishing, photography, Archaeology and Paleontology.

Colleen attended the BFRO's 2006 BC Coastal Expedition, the 2007 Vancouver Island Expedition, 2008 BC Interior Expedition, 2008 BC Coastal Expedition, 2008 BC Vancouver Island Expedition, 2009 Vancouver Island South Expedition, 2010 BC Interior Expedition, 2010 Vancouver Island Expedition and the 2011 Vancouver Island Expedition

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