DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Ohio > Stark County > Report # 1851
Report # 1851  (Class A)
Submitted by witness D.O. on Sunday, February 25, 2001.
Two men see see a hairy creature running into woods
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YEAR: 2001

SEASON: Winter

MONTH: February

DATE: 24th feb 2001


COUNTY: Stark County

LOCATION DETAILS: just off us state route 30 south out of E. Canton.



OBSERVED: Yesterday up the road from my house a friend and I actually saw a bigfoot in the daylight about 6 pm. As i stated on the 99 incident at my home this must be a route they use after what we saw yesterday. We are going to go look for prints today.
We we driving down the street and at the top of the hill I saw something dart past a telephone pole on my right. It was very fast and my first reaction was that its a jogger dressed in black, just like in 1973 and I said nothing but as we got to the intersection my friend says "where'd he go" and I said " did you see something dart up in the woods?" He said yes. We turned around right then and there and went to look in the woods. There was nothing there. Nothing moves at that speed. By the way we live just west of Alliance Ohio where there have been sightings. Maybe this is a route they use?? Thing was all black and had a long torso with very tall long arms that were swinging in a forward motion when it was running.


OTHER STORIES: I'm glad that the other person saw it too. It happened so quick but we did see it. Considering what happened in 1999 I think they use this as a route. When we got back one guy said it was probably a black bear. I said black bears don't run that fast and upright like we saw and we know what deer look like. Some one else may have seen it yesterday we dont know yet we will check paper.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Some wind, cloudy, but with good light.

ENVIRONMENT: Very wooded

Follow-up investigation report:

The witness also has a print cast that he made after this sighting. He is very agreeable to letting me see it.

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