DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Washington > Pierce County > Report # 1730
Report # 1730  (Class A)
Submitted by witness Thane Riffle on Sunday, February 11, 2001.
Lake Tapps
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YEAR: 1975


MONTH: October

DATE: 13

STATE: Washington

COUNTY: Pierce County

LOCATION DETAILS: Lake Ridge Drive, Sumner



OBSERVED: With friend Scott Piveral, at about 7:30 AM on way to school, saw two white creatures that smelled like skunks, just standing at edge of woods on a hill, they then meanered back into woods. The creatures stood under a treelimb later measured as being 15' high and so could estimate that they were half that height. They made out that they were human like in basic shape.

In the area they found 3 nests. They were on a slight hill with a flat spot. The upper hill side had 12' brush that was bent and broken over the flat area, leaving a 6' H x 8' W area beneath.

OTHER STORIES: Told me of a Mr. Crew of the White River Ranger Station and a Mr. Harry Lemon of State Fisheries Dept. who both claim to have seen tracks and the creature itself.

1971 - Cape Alave (?) with Anthro class - Don Shaw - past Andstroms Prairie, something followed them for 1 1/2 miles, it had 4 sec intake of noisy breaths when they stopped moving.

1968 - with Boy Scouts, heard human-like sounds at 10:00PM. Master thought one of the kids were hurt - Salmon La Sac area.

Sept. 1973 - Claudine Layer, heard noise and scream near her home. P. Byrne's group came up and played tape for identification. By Lake Tapps marina on Davis Rd. This is a Ray Bartholomew investigation.

A & G References: Pg. 63, C7

Follow-up investigation report:

From the files of Richard Noll:

Nov 5, 1975

Arrived ar Riffle home 4:30PM. Talked with Thane about what he saw. He drew us a picture and explained a little: The creatures were up a hill with the sun coming up behind them. They looked white from the distance he and his friend saw them from.

Walked to site and photographed. Walked to area where nests were reported and photographed. While at nests we heard something retreat away, uphill, bipedally. Ground shook, very dark, tried to follow. Found big pile of branches in middle of dirt road. Found two possible tracks. Found possible bed, vegetation still rising. Whatever we heard move away seemed to have come from here.

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