DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Texas > Houston County > Report # 15627
Report # 15627  (Class B)
Submitted by witness Bill & Teresa Arnold on Sunday, August 27, 2006.
Four witnesses hear vocalizations in Davy Crockett National Forest
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YEAR: 2006

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: August

DATE: 27

STATE: Texas

COUNTY: Houston County

LOCATION DETAILS: I didn't get the road information, but will be willing to go there again.


NEAREST ROAD: Texas Highway 21

OBSERVED: On August 27, 2006, my wife Teresa and I were in the Davey Crockett National Forest about 4 or 5 miles south of Hwy 21. We were looking into some new areas to hunt this upcoming deer season.

We had left the truck at 7:30 a.m., we were both pleased with the weather conditions, because the sun was obscured by thick clouds and everything was wet from a recent rain shower. However, it was very humid. The vegetation was extremely thick, so visibility was not good at all.

We left the main road and went down a small road that lead off to the left, which seemed the only passable way to go into the woods and thick cover. All the way in we heard nothing, the woods were extremely still and quiet with no wind at all. The only thing we could hear was small insects. We made almost no sound ourselves, walking mostly on wet pine straw or wet leaf litter. We walked in about 3/4 to 1 mile when the trail abruptly ended in a small clearing at which point we headed back.

We were about 200 yards back up the trail when we heard a sound. It was short but very clear. The only thing close to it I've every heard was on some Bigfoot vocalizations I'd heard on the Internet. I've spent my whole life in the woods throughout numerous states and never heard this before. It was like a loud, but not excited, first a yelp ending in a peaceful descending howl. This was done only twice, but one right after the other. It was off slightly to our left, and at a guess, about 200 yards away.

We are both interested in the Bigfoot theory (which we believe) and had heard of tree knocking. So I picked up the nearest good size limb and began to strike a small tree. I struck it about six to eight times. Immediately, to our right at about the same distance we heard another very clear vocalization. This time it was one clear moan, like the second half of what I already described. It was two different animals. It seemed as though the one was calling the other, and when I tree knocked the second one was saying "that's not me, I'm over here'. The whole event only lasted half a minute or so. After this the woods were as quite as they had been.

ALSO NOTICED: Only that the woods were so peaceably quite. The sounds of the animals were not alarming or threatening. It was the most awesome thing I've ever heard in the woods.

OTHER WITNESSES: Both myself and my wife Teresa. And we both agreed to what we heard.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: 7:45 a.m. sun was up but very cloudy. It had just rained and things were very wet. It had not rained for some time, and we were in drought conditions. Lighting was fair. After all the heat it felt nice in the woods that morning.

ENVIRONMENT: Thick forest, with large mature pine trees. Poor visibilty, with lots of under growth, very remote and secluded.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Doug Ratliff:

I spoke with the witness on the phone for 30-45 minutes. He and his wife were scouting for deer and looking for good places to set up deer stands for the upcoming hunting season. His son and a friend were also in the woods at the same time.

The mother and father had a separate experience from their son and his friend. So there are two pairs of witnesses.

The witness's son and friend reported a similar experience near the same location within 30-60 minutes, however the vocalizations they experienced were much more aggressive sounding than what the father reported. The son and his friend reported vocalizations from two different animals.

When the witness reported the incident to a game warden, the warden mentioned other similar incidents to the east in part of the national forest near the Neches/Trinity area.

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