DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > North Carolina > Montgomery County > Report # 15492
Report # 15492  (Class A)
Submitted by witness no on Friday, August 11, 2006.
Road-crossing sighting by motorist on Hwy 220 north of Candor
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YEAR: 1990

SEASON: Summer


STATE: North Carolina

COUNTY: Montgomery County

LOCATION DETAILS: 220south north of Candor,NC


NEAREST ROAD: 220south

OBSERVED: In 1990 + - I am not sure of the year I was going to the beach down hwy 220 south with my husband, he did not see any thing. As best I can remember we were close to Candor NC, where 211 toward Pinehurst and Aberdenn NC comes together though it is a very rural area farms and woods. There is an area where it is very straight and slightly a long grade going down hill so you can see for a long way.

I am not good with distance but I saw something big and black/brown come out of the woods go across the 4 lane and vanish in to the woods on the other side. Now I was going 60 +- miles an hour it was so fast it looked like it was gliding sort of and swinging it's arms. Of course my husband, now ex-husband did not see anything. I got to the place in the road where it crossed and thought to my self what the hell was that! It had to have been big for me to have seen it that far away. I have always wondered until I came upon your web site and it was like a bell went off in my head.


OTHER STORIES: Not that I know of or any one was willing to say

clear sunny day

ENVIRONMENT: four lane highway low brush on right side thick Pine's on left

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator David Pardue:

I conducted a phone interview with the witness on the report that she submitted on 8/11/06

She was driving down Hwy 220 south in Montgomery County, NC, in the summer of 1990.The weather was sunny and clear. The time was around 10:00 AM. There was very light traffic at this time.

She first noticed the figure as it crossed over a four foot barrier fence that runs along side of the highway just inside the woodline.That is when she first noticed that it was walking on two legs like a human. It did not have any trouble stepping over the four foot high fence, and then crossed the four lane highway at a fast speed. It ran with a smooth, almost gliding movement. It did not bob up and down when it ran. It ran on two legs the whole time and was slightly hunched over as it ran. It was covered in black/brown fur and the head was set low on the shoulders.

It first crossed the Southbound lanes, then the Northbound lanes, then stepped over the fence on that side and disappeared into a pine thicket.

She could not give me a height estimate of the figure. She was not sure of the height and did not want to guess. She would only say that it seemed to be "huge".

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