DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Michigan > Iosco County > Report # 14854
Report # 14854  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, June 6, 2006.
Possible ongoing activity outside Whittemore
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YEAR: 85-present

SEASON: Summer


DATE: 7/1/06

STATE: Michigan

COUNTY: Iosco County

LOCATION DETAILS: Southwest Iosco County

NEAREST TOWN: Whittemore


OBSERVED: I'm not entirely sure if what lives in our woods is a bigfoot. All I can say is that as long as I can remember there has been something there. If you take walks at night along the woods line you can hear something walking beside you in the woods but it never comes out. There is sometimes an awful screaching noise as well. One night me and my boyfriend were outside and we heard something walking in the woods (our house was about 20 feet from the woods line) and we stopped to listen. It sounded like something scared whatever it was because it sounded as if something large holding a 2x4 horizontally went crashing through the woods. It was so loud and moving fast. A few weeks later we were outside and we heard some cracking in the woods and then it sounded like whatever it was stepped on one of those old glass coke bottles and broke it. Now a woodland animal wouldnt be able to do that. It's been reported around our area that there are "monkey people" living out in the woods. Many people have come back with tales of seeing strange ape-like creatures while hunting. My mother and sister went outside one night and saw 2 big red eyes sitting under the apple tree they have near the woods. It took off running and my mom said it looked ape-like. She even says that she was driving home one day and looked off in toward the ditch and saw what she claims was a large silver looking ape-creature. She said she was too scared to stop so she kept going. I'm not sure what it is but I know that since I was a little girl we'd hear things out there. My dad is a sceptic and even he admits there's something there. People come over late at night to just walk the woods line to see if they can hear anything. We've thought about putting up a motion camera but somehow the idea of actually knowing that it might be something really strange is worse than not knowing at all.

ALSO NOTICED: A strange smell usually is there when you hear things

OTHER WITNESSES: There are about 10 witnesses to one of the incidents

OTHER STORIES: Yes. A few years back a friend of mine says that he was hanging out with some people down the rd from where we live (they were in an old silo that had medium sized holes in the walls). He said that while they were sitting around a fire they saw about 10 sets of red eyes peering at them through the holes in the walls (various holes of course).

TIME AND CONDITIONS: It's usually only on clear nights and I've never heard it in the winter. It seems to only happen in the late spring to late fall

ENVIRONMENT: There is nothing there except trees. I dont think there's a creek for about 2 miles

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Fred Greca Jr.:

I spoke with the witness at length by telephone. The witness no longer lives at her parent's residence, where all the incidents took place, but is still curious, as is the rest of her family, to get some answers as to what might be causing the strange occurrences there. I have the following to add to the witness' report.

As some of the incidents were fairly recent, I arranged to make a visit on September 30, 2006, to the witness' parent’s residence. I talked at length with the witness' mother and sister and they described the following additional incidents: One morning before sunrise the witness’ mother went outside and got into her vehicle to go to work. When she turned on the headlights she saw a pair of red eyes and a dark shadow with two legs inside the woods. She immediately went back into the house. On another occasion the sister and some friends took a walk down the driveway, adjacent to the woods, late in the evening. One of the friends threw a stone into the woods, and soon afterward a stone was thrown back at them. On still another occasion a friend of the family arrived for a visit later in the evening and parked her car near the wood line. While everyone was inside they heard a slight commotion out by her car, and upon investigating, found some unusually large footprints, with a large gait, in the light dusting of snow on the ground. These are just a few of the incidents that have been occurring at this residence for a number of years.

I did walk through the woods where the noises had been reported to have come from and also around the approximately 20 acres this particular wood lot covers. This wooded area is surrounded by farm fields, which are then surrounded by more wooded parcels. The nearest neighbor is approximately half a mile away in the closest direction. An aerial view of the area shows a large wooded area of approximately 3 square miles within a mile distance from the residence. The general area is approximately 50% woods and 50% farm fields. There are water sources in the area. Herds of deer have been seen in the fields near the residence.

While exploring the woods where the activities occurred, I did discover an unusual stick formation that, in my opinion, did not occur naturally. I also found a 2 inch diameter maple sapling that had been bent over and broken, probably within the last year.

I also came across a 3 foot high sumac bush that had all been plucked of its branches, except for one. Upon that un-plucked branch remained the bright red leaves. I made a mental note on how much it looked like a marker flag. That bush was in close proximity to a 15 foot high jack pine tree. In between the sumac bush and the jack pine, was a matted down area in the ground cover, which was within the circumference of the pine tree. Standing in that position, I could see through the branches of the jack pine over to the driveway, about 30 feet away. As the branches of the jack pine were sparse, I concluded that it would not make a good hiding place from passing cars during the daylight hours, but could be quite concealing in the darkness. I later learned, after the field investigation, while talking with the witness’ mother by telephone, that she had seen a dark figure in the light shine of her vehicle's headlights, behind the jack pine, while heading down the driveway back to the house one evening.

I still remain in contact with the witness, who informs me of other strange activities at her parent’s residence. The activity there still continues.

About BFRO Investigator Fred Greca Jr.:

Fred Greca Jr. is an Engineer. He has participated in the following BFRO expeditions: Ohio 2006, New York 2006, Ohio (revisited) 2007, Michigan U.P. 2007, Ontario 2007, Michigan U.P. 2008, Ohio 2009, Michigan L.P. 2011 and Michigan U.P. 2012.

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