DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Washington > Kitsap County > Report # 14350
Report # 14350  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Sunday, April 9, 2006.
Driver has noontime sighting near her home
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YEAR: 2005


MONTH: November

DATE: 15

STATE: Washington

COUNTY: Kitsap County

LOCATION DETAILS: [Location specifics removed]



OBSERVED: As I was leaving my house and turned out onto the street, movement caught my eye so I turned to see what it was. Less than a football field away from me I could see something that immediately I knew was not a man and not a bear. I could see what I will call a bigfoot walking north towards the water. We live near the water in Puget Sound. It appeared to be slumped forward to some degree ... I guestimated it was 6 1/2 feet tall, but upon walking to that area later, I realized it must have been closer to 8 feet tall to be visible from where I saw it from my car. It seemd to have long hair that was brown, like a brown crayon. The face was mostly hairy but seemed to have shorter hair around the facial features. The nose was more pushed in and flat than protuding, but the nostrils were turned up some. It still looked more human than it did ape-ish.

It was talking big steps and appeared to look in my direction but did not appear startled by my presence. The hair looked messy and ungroomed.

It seemed like forever but I figure I only saw him for about 10-13 seconds. When this happened our neighbors had been logging for the previous 2 days in a large area nearby, 4 acres. There was lots of commotion and noise. It may have been trying to avoid the noise or to come check it out.

Im told it was a weird time of day to see one, but I saw what I saw...

ALSO NOTICED: My brother in law went back there to look for evidence. The only thing unusual he found was a pile of clam shells, in the middle of no where.. The pile was too dense to be dropped by birds.

OTHER WITNESSES: I only had my 3 year old with me, who didnt appear to see anything

OTHER STORIES: No, but since then we have noted hearing different bigfoot calls and what we think is "wood knocking" on numous occasions when outside at night. Last time we heard calls was April 2nd at 10:50 pm

TIME AND CONDITIONS: It was almost noon.

ENVIRONMENT: large wooded area, near salt water and highway

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator John G. Callender:

I spoke with the witness via telephone, and then did an on-site investigation.

Her sighting took place as she was turning onto a road not far from her home. She admitted that she’s a bad judge of distance, so she took her husband to the area where her sighting took place in order to get a better idea of the distance. She told me that her husband thought the animal was approximately sixty feet away.

I asked her if she meant 60 yards and she emphasized that it was not yards, but feet.

When I asked her for details of its appearance, she kept referring to it as “he”. I asked her why she kept saying “he” and she told me that she felt like the animal was male due to its size, build, and features.

It appeared to have “messy, wiry, long, dirty hair”. She estimates the hair length was approximately four inches and said the hair appeared to be thinner in some areas of the body. The top of the head and sides were “definitely hairy”, and the top of the head looked like a “disheveled hairdo”. The brow was noticeably big. In some respect it appeared to be very human like. She said it much more closely resembled a human than an ape.

I met the witness and her husband at their home and we went to the area where the sighting occurred. After noticing the lower ground where the animal was seen, I would estimate that the animal was approximately seven to eight feet tall, rather than six feet tall as she originally estimated.

She emphasized that it was not black, but a dark drown. She said that she could see its face and that its eyes were “dark” and “sunken in”, with a protruding brow. She also mentioned that its head was “slumped forward”. She said its nose was flat and “stubby” and its nostrils were “more turned up than down”.

I asked if it was possible that what she saw was a bear. She was certain that what she saw was not a bear due to the fact it was walking upright and that it had a “bad posture”. She said it was stooped forward while it walked and that its arms were swinging as it walked.

She said it didn’t seem to care about her presence, and was walking, “real mellow and slow, at a leisurely pace”. It was traveling in a westerly direction towards the Hood Canal. She thinks it came from a densely wooded area across the highway from where it was observed.

There was a pile of clam shells (about 20 shells) neatly piled up in the area where the animal was sighted. This was approximately one mile from the Hood Canal. It seemed unlikely that a bird such as a crow or raven would have deposited the compact pile of shells there.

She mentioned being outside one evening in early to mid-October, 2005, in her in-laws hot tub and hearing a “weird sound" resembling a “crying animal” about two acres away. I played both the “Ohio Scream” as well as the “Ohio Howl” for her. She didn’t recognize the "Ohio Scream", but when I played the “Ohio Howl” she said that was very similar to the sound she heard. She said it was a “long-winded” cry. She said it was much longer than she could do without having to stop and take a breath.

There is a creek behind her home and she estimates the howls came from the area near the creek. I checked out the creek when I was out there. It would be much easier for an animal to walk down the middle of the creek rather than on the banks along the creek.

It would be able to travel undetected, day or night, by walking down the middle of this creek. The creek originated across the highway on very densely wooded land and it emptied into the Hood Canal just north of the U. S. Navy Trident nuclear submarine base at Bangor, WA.

She mentioned that she has heard a sound similar to a baseball bat pounding on a tree near her home. She heard the wood knocks around 9:30 to 10:00 P. M. in the summer of 2005.

About BFRO Investigator John G. Callender:

John Callender hails from Mississippi where he received a BA degree in Accounting from the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss). He spent 26 years in the Seattle area flying for a major airline before retiring and relocating to Middle Tennessee in 2017. John quickly found that he missed flying and he’s now on his second career as a pilot for a major airline. He has done extensive field work in the Pacific Northwest, as well as Mississippi and he has attended the following expeditions: WA - Oly Pen (Aug. '04); New Mexico (Jicarilla Apache SEP '04); WA - Oly Pen (October '04); CA - Redwoods (May '05); WA -Oly Pen -3, (AUG '05 ); WA Cascades Expedition (AUG '06); Central Oregon Expedition (JUNE '07), BC, Vancouver Island Expedition (SEPT 2007), WA Cascades Expedition (June '09), 2009 Washington Olympic Peninsula Expedition.

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