DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Connecticut > Middlesex County > Report # 13585
Report # 13585  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Monday, January 16, 2006.
Possible activity near Salmon River State Forest
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YEAR: 2004

SEASON: Winter

MONTH: November

DATE: 25

STATE: Connecticut

COUNTY: Middlesex County

LOCATION DETAILS: Middlesex county



OBSERVED: Me and my mother were in the kitchen washing dishes around 11:30p.m. around thanksgiving 2004. We heard a loud BANG! on the far side of the house . Me and my mother just looked at each other and I said what was that! so we went to the location were we heard the noise and I witnessed ,a BIG shadow larger than a human moving by the window. I estimate aroud 7/1/2 - 8ft ft tall.After the incident I went upstairs and my mother told me the next morning that she felt like she was being watched for about 3 hrs. and was quite unerved by the whole thing.


[From the aunt of the witness above, who lives roughly one mile away, bordering the same stretch of woods:]

It was late June around 3:00A.M. it was hot humid night
being a sound sleeper, I was awakened by a loud sound, one I have never heard in my life

I live near a State forest called Salmon River State park in East Hampton CT, for almost 25 years. I know all the animal sounds , as I am an animal lover, avid hiker and camper . I have never heard such an animal sound like this It was an incredible kind of screaming. It lasted for several minutes. The closest I have ever heard was on your site. I live in Moodus Ct, in Middlesex County.



TIME AND CONDITIONS: [RE the Thanksgiving 2004 incident] It was a clear night with no pecipitation. The ground was frozen so evidence of foot prints wew not possible.

Follow-up investigation report:

I visited the witness’s home and spoke with him for approximately 30 min about the event which occurred late on Thanksgiving evening, November 2004.

I did not speak to his mother (second witness). He verbally recounted and physically re enacted the incident in good detail and clarity.

There is a moderately wooded forest which extends and narrows down and ends within 15 yards of his small 2-story wooden house.

He was in the kitchen with his mother and there was background noise due to a running dishwasher. An ‘extremely large object’ hit the side of his house in an adjacent ground floor room, closest to the woods. He said it sounded like a car had hit the side of his house. He mentioned that the strength of wall vibration knocked several items off the wall and one of the window sills in the room.

He immediately took a few steps into the adjacent, unlit room and noted that an exterior motion sensor light was on. He did not see any person or animal as he looked out the two windows in the room. The base of the windows are approximately 3.5 - 4 feet above the ground. The witness described seeing a very large, upright shadow move quickly away from his house toward the woods.

He was somewhat scared by the incident. He did not go outside immediately to further investigate. He went to his second floor bedroom a short time later. His mother stayed on the ground floor for a couple hours. There is a single, small living room window that faces the kitchen from which someone outside could easily view into the house relatively unnoticed. The motion sensor light is not directed against this part of the house.

The next day, the witness looked around the house foundation but did not see any footprints in the hardened ground. Upon further questioning, he revealed that he did not see any large tree branches or rocks next to, or near the exterior walls of the room where the incident took place. There are no trees with large overhanging branches near the house or any other close objects near the house which could have fallen against the house. There are two smaller houses nearby which share a common driveway with the witness’s house.

I also interviewed the witness’s aunt, whose experience approximately 5 months earlier is also mentioned in the report. She lives approximately 1 mile in a northeast direction from the witness’s home and the same tract of land borders the witness’s property. She spends a considerable amount of time outdoors and is highly familiar with the various nocturnal animal sounds of the area, including the sound of coyote, bobcats and fisher cats. Her bedroom window was open when she awakened by a very loud animal noise that she estimated was one-quarter mile away. The ‘screaming’ came from only one direction and was repeated every 15-30 seconds for approximately 10 minutes. She has not heard any other strange vocalizations since this incident.

A sister-in-law living with the witness also recently reported hearing loud animal sounds in the distant after returning home from work about 12:30AM in late November 2005. The witness played several recordings from the BFRO web site and the sister-in-law identified the sound as most closely matching the 1974 clip of whoops and knocks from CA.

All three events took place in the town of Moodus, CT. This region is sparsely populated and is known as the “Catskills of Connecticut" due to its’ relatively steep rolling hills, populated by deciduous and conifer tress. There are steep, densely forested hills immediately adjacent to the witness’s home that are known to contain numerous caves, along with nearby low lying swamp and wetland areas. Also located immediately proximal to this area is the Salmon River State Forest,which is a large tract of uninhabited land owned by the state of CT.

I further interviewed an additional unrelated adult who also lives in the area and owns property bordering Salmon River State Forest. He reported hearing very loud, unidentifiable screaming sounds during the 2005 summer months coming from the state forest. The Salmon River and adjacent swampy areas give way to very steep, densely forested hillsides that rise in elevation approximately 400 feet above the trout stocked river. There are numerous small gorges and mountain streams throughout the region. Common wildlife includes deer, coyote, bobcats, fox, fishercats and other small game. Native American Indian folklore speaks of the 'Black Fox of Salmon River', an elusive animal that was sometimes seen running away from bow and arrow hunters.

About BFRO Investigator D.A. Brake (PhD):

D. Brake holds a PhD in Immunology and attended the Maine 2008 expedition.

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