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Geographical Index > United States > North Dakota > McLean County > Report # 12562
Report # 12562  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Monday, September 12, 2005.
Multiple witness sighting near White Shield
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YEAR: 2005

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: August

DATE: 27

STATE: North Dakota

COUNTY: McLean County

LOCATION DETAILS: From Garrison take Highway 37 west, keep going west when you hit 1804 to White Shild then turn North on BIA 1 which takes you thru White Shield, North of White Shield about 1/2 mile you will hit Country Road 6 that where big foot was seen crossing the road...

NEAREST TOWN: White Shield

NEAREST ROAD: Country Road 7, Highway 37

OBSERVED: On Aug 26 around 2:20-2:30am my two cousins were driving back from Minot, they took the back roads to get home faster. They were about 2-3 miles from home on Counrty Road 7 when they said that they were just talking and notice on the left side in the North bound lane a large brown hairy 7-8ft tall thing was standing there, they said they were going about 50-55mph and slowed down a bit, as they passed by it they taped on the brake and in the brake lights they saw it and punched it back home, they said they were so scared that they were going aleast 90mph to get back. As they got to one of my cousins house they went and wroke my Uncle up and told him that they saw big foot. Then they drove to my house and wroke me up, so i said them "yeah right like you seen a big foot around here". They were both scared and shaking so thats when i knew that they saw something, so I took two spotlights a 5 million and a 3.5 million, my Uncle had a 1 million light also. We asked them to show us, in which they were both agreed after the calmed down a bit. we left there car and took my Aunts van and headed north, they showed us the spot and i marked by throwing out a full water bottle and I asked them which way do you think it was going and if they seen more, she said that "it might of been moving West", so we headed West bound on Country Rd. 6 just North of White Shield as we headed about 1-2miles west from Country Rd. 7 we turned North bound on Country Rd. 5 as we were spotlighting in the cut Wheat Fields. I was on the passenger side and my Uncle was driving we were both looking around with the lights when I picked up a bright RED reflection of eyes, as i told my Uncle to stop i notice that this thing was on all fours moving west towards us and then it stop and what looked like it sat down, i mean it looked like a gorrilla from the movies. As we stoped and sat there we must of been watching it for about 3-5mins, It seemed unreal to me but as i started to realize that this is happing and that we don't have gorrilla's in North Dakota that is when my Uncle notice two more sets of eyes behind the one we were watching, my cousins started screaming and cussing at us to leave and to get the Cops and Game & Fish, so after that we started to turn around and head back in i noticed it stood up that's when i said hurry up lets get Game & Fish out here. When i arrived at my house my cousin called the BIA and they said they will contact the Game Warden. My Uncle and I told my cousin to tell them that we are going to go back out there and wait for the Game Warden, my cousins stayed. My cousin husband wanted to go with us. As we started to turn on country Rd. 5 thats when we noticed the smell of pee and old sweet and slew odor, it wasn't us because i checked the smell inside that van and it smelled better then the outside. We stoped and jumped out and started to listen, thats when we noticed the truck lights on Country Rd. 6 it was the Game Warden. We flashed him down and talked to him and gave all the info so he said he will check the field out and left moving East with all his spotlights on. As we talked my Uncle said "try to call it" so my cousin husband made a howling sound and sure enough another sound came back a faint bellow South West of us about 1/2-1mi. There is no cattle around there so we started to head in that direction and stoped where we thought the sound was at. we had the windows down and started to listen for any sound, there was none not even crickets or birds or grasshoppers chirping so we turned around and left, stoped Game Warden and we stated looking untill 7am that morning, we noticed that there were lots of slew and deep weeds a place for a good hiding spot. On the next day we started looking for prints and we found some impressions in the cut wheat field and ditch, the prints were close to 15 1/5 inches and about 5 1/2 - 6 inches wide. We stoped a BIA officer and told him that we found some imprssions so he came out there and took some pictures, the foot prints pointed in a East direction as we started to track them we found 3 other sets that seemed like they were zigziging around, after an 30min or so we track it to a tree row where it seemed that there were spots of cut hay put into piles and pine tree branches 2in thick snaped off, the sap still ozzing out from the break, and sunflower or tall weeds stems in that spot, there was no tall weeds around that spot, so we walked around and found a slew just at the end of the tree row about 200yards away, had the same stems from the weeds. On the 31st of Aug my Uncle and I kinda made a path of direction, it looks like they follow slews and small ponds maybe for drinking water. The direction was taking them to Lake Sakakawea, has we tested taht theory we were West of White Shield when we heard a low scream, a dog that lived at a farm house started to bark. Where the spot we seen it and to the location where we heard it, are theory was correct. On Sept 4 since we left them alone for a couple of days we went to the spot where we thought the would be at.. NO Luck they weren't there so that was the end of the search or hunt, until Sept 9 when 6 kids saw a tall black thing running on two legs heading West on BIA 1 just 1/2mi North of White Shield, I talked to the kids and the said when it was running in the field it was black and on two legs and as it crossed the road it took 3 steps and it was on the other side. This was around 9pm and the sun was setting. By the time the kids told it was dark, my Uncle and I drove back there and found nothing, the next day Sept 10 we tried to find the path where this thing or big foot crossed, we are still looking for signs or even better prints. Thats it for now.. will update later

ALSO NOTICED: Smell of pee and slew, grunting noise, fant screams.. I did't mention this in the story but on the same night my neighbors kids said they heard knocking sounds comming from the trees North of White Shield..

OTHER WITNESSES: My Uncle and Cousins Which are the main witness..6 Kids that might of seen bigfoot running across the road.

OTHER STORIES: I think it was last year that they saw a big foot in the New Town area or two years ago. Plus I was told storys of big foot at the Lake so thats why i was kinda shocked that it was so close to town.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: It was Night..around moon and it was clear skies. When kids saw it, it was almost dark.

ENVIRONMENT: Wheat Field on both sides of the Road..some tree rows about 150-200yard from pavement..slews.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Gary Christensen:

[Editor's Note: The BFRO has received several reports describing this particular incident.]

I spoke with the reporting witness for over an hour at his home in White Shield, North Dakota. In addition to his submitted report, he also shared the following details:

The creature was about 100 yards from the witnesses when it was illuminated by their spotlight. No facial features were observed, but the torso and legs were described as long and thick. The animal was first seen on all fours, but when illuminated, sat down. After 3-5 minutes, it stood up on two legs, and additional eye-shine was observed farther out in the field. At that point, the creature advanced toward the spotlight. This action caused panic among some of the witnesses, so they departed to find the authorities. The next day, several sets of tracks were found in several locations. Sizes ranged from 4 to 15 inches in length, and 2 to 7 inches in width. The stride was as much as 5 feet, and although most tracks were aligned, some zig-zagged.

Over the next 5 months, additional activity occurred, including sightings, vocalizations, tree knocking, and footprints. The witness maintains a computer database of bigfoot-related activity that dates back to 1998. He also has a color-coded map of the sightings, footprints, and sounds that he has personally observed, and also includes reports by others in his community.

The witness and I shared contact information and agreed to contact one another if additional activity occurs.

About BFRO Investigator Gary Christensen:

Gary is a retired USAF pilot, a Vietnam veteran with 312 combat missions in the B-52. He also retired from American Airlines in 2008 after 18 years service as a flight training manager. A graduate of USAF ground and sea survival schools, Gary is an avid bird hunter and fisherman. He has been following the bigfoot phenomenon since the 1950's.

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