DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > Canada > British Columbia > Report # 12100
Report # 12100  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Friday, July 15, 2005.
Possible rock-knocking heard by hikers near Pitt Lake
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YEAR: 2001


MONTH: September

DATE: 18

PROVINCE: British Columbia


LOCATION DETAILS: Near Cougar lake on the logging road leading from the mouth of the Boise Valley to Pitt Lake



OBSERVED: This incident occurred in September 2001. My girlfriend and I and our two dogs were finishing a hike through the Boise Valley north of Pit Lake in SW B.C.

After 7 soaking wet days of bushwacking through this unbelievably wild and remote valley (especially considering it is so close - as the crow flies - to Vancouver), we had come out on a series of logging road which left Boise Valley for Pit Lake. Here, right beside Cougar Lake, we made a small fire to dry out our sodden cloths and take a brake from the hike.

After about a half hour there, we heard a strange noise coming from the forest on the south side of the road. The sound could be described as two rocks being struck together. This in itself was not so strange, but the sound repeated itself at regular intervals of 5 seconds or so, on and off, for a good ten minutes. Immediately after this started, our dogs put their tails between their legs - showing absolutely NO desire to find out what was making the sound. This was perhaps even stranger than the noises.

We both stood up and called into the bush thinking perhaps it was a person, but there was no reply and the sound kept coming. The hairs on the backs of our necks were standing straight up and we felt a strong desire to leave. While I half wanted to explore the source of the sounds, my girlfriend was adament that we get out of there immediately. We put out our fire and left the area at a fast walk. Once we were a few minutes down the road, the sounds, which we could still hear clearly, stopped. We didn't actually see anything, and are to this day mystified as to what exactly happened, but do not think this was not the work of a person or any other animal we could think of.

ALSO NOTICED: Dogs were totally unnerved which is unlike them

OTHER WITNESSES: two of us and two dogs

OTHER STORIES: I've heard tales of bigfoot(s) living in the Harrison Lake area. Pitt lake is not too far from Harrison and the topography is the same. If you wanted to totally disapear, this would be the area to do it - pretty much no one travels in the area and the forest is SO dense that travel through it (for people anyway)is almost impossible (3kms a day is a good day!)

My girlfriend also claims to have seen a bipedal hairy creature at Bunson lake (also near Pitt Lake) while walking dogs with her brother. In this case again, both the dogs were totally scared. They didn't get a clear look at the creature, but it was large (2-3m), looked hairy and moved bipedally - upright and in a manner that seemed very strange - not human was how she described it. When they saw it, they ran away and it followed them through the bush beside the trail for quite a while before dissapearing. I don't have an exact date or location for this sighting at this time...

TIME AND CONDITIONS: early afternoon, slight overcast

ENVIRONMENT: Extremely dense rainforest, on the south side of the logging road from Cougar lake

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Blaine McMillan :

I have been in contact with this witness.

Additional details:

The witness and his girlfriend had been hiking and camping in a remote area near the Fraser River valley. He stated that the terrain there is very steep and dense.

On the last day of their hike they made a fire to dry out some of their clothes. Shortly thereafter they heard the distinct sound of two rocks being banged or clicked together. This sound lasted for several seconds. It was then repeated over and over for the next ten minutes.

Both the witness and his partner were unnerved as they tried to rationalize the situation.

- There was no response when they called out "Who's there?"
- Both of their dogs were suddenly acting very scared and would not leave their sides.
- Although bears are common in this area, bears are not known to bang rocks together.

They could not determine who or what was making the sounds that they were hearing but they did not wish to stay in the area. They doused the fire and quickly left the area. The clicking sounds stopped as they were walking down the road.

About BFRO Investigator Blaine McMillan :

  • Retired Canadian Military (Reg Force) Safety Systems / Aviation technician with experience fighters and various SAR platforms. Author of Wood Knocks and Tossed Rocks:Searching for Sasquatch with the BFRO

  • Married with two young sons. An avid camper, hunter and fisherman.

  • Holds a BA in Criminology from the University of Manitoba, courses in Alternate Dispute Resolution, Anthropology and Political Science

  • Attended the BFRO BC Expeditions in August of 2005, 2006, 2012 as well as Vancouver Island 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014.

  • Organized the 2007, 2008 Vancouver Island as well as 2009 North Vancouver Island Expeditions.

  • Author of "Woodknocks and Tossed Rocks: Searching for Sasquatch with the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization.

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