DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Maine > Hancock County > Report # 1188
Report # 1188  (Class A)
Submitted by witness N.H. on Thursday, February 10, 2000.
Two sisters see dark, shaggy haired, bipedal creature standing in middle of road
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YEAR: 1996 or 1997

SEASON: Unknown

STATE: Maine

COUNTY: Hancock County


NEAREST ROAD: route 46

OBSERVED: my sister and i were driving to school one morning a few years ago and straight up ahead we both saw something standing there in the road on two feet for sure, staring at us approaching. As we approached we could tell that the creature was about the size of a human, was covered with very dark, shaggy hair, and it was sorta hunched over with it's arms hanging down quite far. it just stood there about a foot ot two into the road watching us and then almost as qucikly as it had happened, it vanished into the trees.

when we drove by i looked into the forest to see if i saw anything, but couldn't see anything. we went to school and told a few friends and then told out parents later that night. we didn't think to call the police or anything at the time, although i wish we had.

when we tell people they never believe us because most people don't believe in "bigfoot". i'm glad that this sight is here so that someone might finally believe us. i know what we saw was real and i know that it wasn't a bear. bears are not shapped like humans and very rarley walk around on two feet

OTHER WITNESSES: it was just me and my sister and we were just headed to school

OTHER STORIES: i thought i should tell you about this even tho it might have been nothing.i was driving with my dad in Orrington maine and as we passed a road i saw something crossing it. i couldn't tell what it was because we went past so quickly but what i saw was very dark and tall. it is possible that this could've just been a bear, but it would've had to have been up on two feet.

i made my dad turn around and we went up the road driving very slowly looking into the woods along the sides of the road. we didn't see anything, whatever it was had vanished.

but now as i think back comparing that incident with the other that i had in bucksport, what i saw in orrington, although only for a second, seemed very similiar to each other.

i am not saying that i know or even think it was a bigfoot in orrington that day, but i do THINK that it certainly looked like the one i did see in bucksport. i didn't think much about that incident and had almost forgotton about it because i never had an explanation for it and because i was the only one who saw it so i had nobody to discuss it with.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: It was during the school year so it wasn't summer, and there was no snow, so i don't think it was winter. it was either fall or spring.

ENVIRONMENT: on a road with a lot of forest, near Whites apple orchard

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