DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Ohio > Clark County > Report # 1018
Report # 1018  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Sunday, December 31, 2000.
A man driving stops to watch a hair covered creature walk across a cornfield
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YEAR: 1988-1989

SEASON: Winter

MONTH: November

DATE: Thanksgiving Day 1989


COUNTY: Clark County

LOCATION DETAILS: From South Vienna take State Route 40 west to Buena Vista Rd, turn right and it's less than a mile down on the right.

NEAREST TOWN: South Vienna

NEAREST ROAD: Buena Vista and State Route 40

OBSERVED: Well, there is actually two incidents I would like to tell you about. The first being the sounds I heard while night fishing with three other people. It was between 10 PM and midnight, we were fishing on the bank of a local lake. Out of know where we all heard this blood curling scream. It was a scream that none of us could identify. Just after the scream we heard what sounded like large pieces of wood being thrown through the woods. Then, we could heard what sounded like something very large running through the woods knocking down trees as it went. Well needless to say we packed up quick and got out of there

The second incident happened the following year on Thanksgiving Day. On the way back from rabbit hunting I was driving along looking for deer in the open cornfields when something in the distance caught my attention. I stopped my truck to get a better look and witnessed a large dark form walking through the corn stubble field heading towards the woodline. It was probably about 1/8 to 1/4 mile away. It was walking upright like a man but I could tell it was covered with dark hair that was either dark brown or black in color. When I realized what I had just seen I jumped back in my car and headed home. This incident took place less than a mile from where we heard the noises the year before night fishing. Most people I told about these incidents think I'm crazy or delusional. After seeing it walking in the field I finally know what was making the noises the year before.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: The first incident was between 10 PM and midnight. There was a full moon out and the stars were visible. It was a typical summer night.
The second incident took place close to 10 AM. It was pretty clear out with a real lite snow falling.

ENVIRONMENT: Cornfield with thick woods on the back and side edges.

Follow-up investigation report:

The witness added that during the scream incident something big was crashing through the forest. They all agreed they never heard anything like it and quickly left the area. One thing that stood out for him during his sighting was the sheer size of the animal walking in the cornfield. Even at 200+ yards off the road it looked real big.

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