DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > New Mexico > Otero County > Report # 10126
Report # 10126  (Class B)
Submitted by witness Kate H. on Thursday, December 30, 2004.
Possible night time sighting by a resident in the Carrizo neighborhood of Mescalero IR
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YEAR: 2004

SEASON: Spring


DATE: 02

STATE: New Mexico

COUNTY: Otero County

LOCATION DETAILS: Four miles north of Mescalero School.

NEAREST TOWN: Mescalero Apache Nation

NEAREST ROAD: (Withheld)

OBSERVED: We hear screams almost every night throughout the spring and summer months.

This particular incident occured after midnight, approximately 1:00am. I was awakened by all the neighborhood dogs barking. Even my dog was barking outside my window. Suddenly my dog began to cry. I sat up and walked into the living room and opened the sliding door enough to peek out side and listen to what the dogs were barking at. When I heard a loud scream like screeching then it turned into a loud holler.

This screaming sounds went on for about ten minutes and came closer to my home. I then closed the sliding door and continued to peek out my living room window.

I saw this tall hairy thing like a man standing next to the other window looking inside my home. I got down on all fours and began to crawl into the kitchen where he couldn't see me. I remained there for about five minutes, then looked toward the window where he was standing and could not see him. I crawled to the window and peeked out. I saw it walking into the dark carrying something in its hand.

The next morning when I looked out my front porch my deer jerky that was hanging to cure was gone.

ALSO NOTICED: There was a sour like body order in the air when he was present. I was in the home at the time but I could still smell it.

OTHER WITNESSES: My family which includes Husband, and two boys.

OTHER STORIES: Through the summer months my family and I hear screms like screeching/hollers after midnight.

ENVIRONMENT: Open land and pine treesalong the mountain tops.
There is a traugh full of water for out horses.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Eddie Flores:

Spoke to witness and added the following:

What she saw at the window was a silhouette of very big, tall hairy figure. She no longer lives in that home, but other family members do who say there is still activity in the area.

About BFRO Investigator Eddie Flores:

Eddie Flores is a state licensed Cosmetology Instructor in El Paso, Texas. He served as a BFRO guide/detective on the Mescalero Apache Expedition (January 2005). Click here for the expedition report.

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