DHS Squirrel

'World's Greatest Hoaxes' in 4 Parts

This 1998 Fox TV one-off documentary (i.e. not part of a series) titled "World's Greatest Hoaxes: Secrets finally revealed" ... found an angle for rehashing some well-known, controversial photos and film clips connected to some famous mysteries.

The angle was to promise a whole bunch of shocking new revelation(s) that would change everything you ever thought about those famous mysteries.

The production collected and edited together 44 minutes of weak fodder, including interviews about allegations and rumors "discovered" by dubious characters like Kal Korff. That's right ... Kal Korff, the same character involved with the other false allegations about the Patterson footage ... involving a different guy in a costume ..

"World's Greatest Hoaxes: Secrets finally revealed" (1 of 4)

"World's Greatest Hoaxes: Secrets finally revealed" (2 of 4)

"World's Greatest Hoaxes: Secrets finally revealed" (3 of 4)

"World's Greatest Hoaxes: Secrets finally revealed" (4 of 4)

Korff helped write (and appeared in) "World's Greatest Hoaxes" long before he joined forces with Greg Long and Bob Hieronimous to support their new "man in the costume" claim. By that point he already knew how to milk a bogus "man in the costume" claim.



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