Dates: July 2-5, 2009 (Thurs. - Sun.)
This will be the first BFRO expedition in Manitoba. The target area is
3 hours or so northeast of Winnipeg.
Manitoba came onto the bigfoot research radar a few years back when a
ferry operator from the Norway House Cree tribe obtained some distant,
shakey, blurry video footage of a sasquatch in a remote area hundreds
of miles north of Winnipeg. The footage was no more remarkable than dozens
of other distant-shakey-blurry video clips obtained over the years in
different places, but the story about the footage (prior to its release)
was over-hyped in Canada and the US, and was eventually used as a tool
by a struggling American tabloid program, in a last ditch effort to raise
its ratings before being cancelled.
Ever since that time various people have suggested that the BFRO go to
the Norway House area for an expedition. This idea was considered for
some time, but the logistical considerations eventually controlled the
decision. Norway House is simply too far out into the frontier for a four-day
expedition. Participants in the expedition would spend too much time getting
there, and not enough time being there. So
the first Manitoba expedition will focus on a sighting zone much
closer to Winnipeg, partly to enable new investigators from Winnipeg to
return to the area on the weekends if hotspots are identified there.
The expedition is being organized by Steve Moon. At this time he is accepting
requests for participation by non-members. You can contact him to inquire
via email ( after you have read the Frequently
Asked Questions about the expeditions.
