DHS Squirrel

Ohio - Southeast

These tracks were found and photographerd by BFRO Pam Lovins (West Virginia) in February 2009 while scouting for the upcomig Ohio expedition. When she first arrived at the location she heard five (5) distinct wood knocks. She looked around along the roads found numerous large sasquatch tracks and numerous deer tracks. These tracks are most likely authentic sasquatch tracks.
Click the images below for a larger view. Click here for the discussion thread about these tracks.

The image above should be refered to as "SE Ohio - Five" on the discussion forum.

For years bigfoot researchers have heard occasional observations suggesting paranormal abilities of bigfoots. The most common stories in this direction center upon snow track finds, where snow tracks are seen to lead into a pasture, etc., then completely disappear at some point, as if the animal passed through a time/space vortex.

Take a long look at SE Ohio - Five. Notice how the line of tracks disappears at a certain point, as if the track maker passed through a time/space vortex. This effect is caused by powdered snow blowing around and collecting in holes, low spots, etc., cleanly covering any trace of footprints.

Tracks in the snow appearing to "disappear" beyond a certain point, is not evidence of paranormal abilities. It is evidence of wind blown snow.

The image above should be refered to as "SE Ohio - Three" on the discussion forum.

The image above should be refered to as "SE Ohio - One" on the discussion forum.

The image above should be refered to as "SE Ohio - Two" on the discussion forum.

The image above should be refered to as "SE Ohio - Four" on the discussion forum.