Geographical Index > United States > Tennessee > Monroe County > Report # 77933
(Class A)
Submitted by witness Andy Morgan on Thursday, November 21, 2024.
Camper is surprised to see a face looking back at him from a ravine near TN/NC border SE of Tellico Plains
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YEAR: 2024
SEASON: Fall MONTH: October DATE: 10/26/2024 STATE: Tennessee COUNTY: Monroe County LOCATION DETAILS: Specific directions omitted to allow a follow-up investigation. [Investigator (MM) Notes: The location is in the Smoky Mountains a few miles from the TN/NC border southeast of Tellico Plains] NEAREST TOWN: Tellico Plains OBSERVED: My report for my visual sighting of a possible Bigfoot during a BFRO expedition to the Tellico Plains area of the Cherokee National Forest on Saturday Oct 26, 2024 at around 2:15 pm.
The last thing I expected to see that weekend was an actual Bigfoot staring back at me! This is what happened. I went for a hike in the forest that day with an expedition group that took us to an old building not too far from one of the main roads. I also wanted to see if I could cast a possible bigfoot print that was noticed the day before by other members of our group. That was also where a report of something large slapping the back side of the same structure was heard by a few others previously.
We arrived around 2 pm. I was able to quickly find the foot impression that was shown to me in a picture taken the day before. I found the “print” and it appeared to be in an area where something was rooting around in the ground. I concluded that although it looked sort of foot shaped it wasn't an actual foot impression, but just where some animal had been looking for something to possibly eat. It was a very shallow as well.
I then went around the back of the building looking to see where something large would have run after slapping the side of the cabin earlier that week. I was looking over the terrain to see if I could find any evidence that something large moved across the ground recently.
As I was looking around, I noticed a large dark spot in the distance just off the ground, about 50 yd away. It was noticeable because of the sun lit area of forest behind it. At first, I thought it was a stump but as I looked at, it appeared to have a face. I could make out an eye and the side of the face but still did not believe what I was seeing. This lasted a minute or two, then it rotated to its’ left as if it was looking up to a slope to the side of it. Then, it rotated back to its right, facing me. I, at that time, realized that I was looking at a face.
I was able to see two round eyes, a thick heavy brow, pronounced nose that was smashed down at the nostrils. The hair color looked to be dark brown, eyes black and the skin was a light brown or could have been a darker tan. Was not able to see the mouth, only a line where it should be.
I tried to move to my right for a better view but was not successful and moved back to my left. The face was now gone. This happened in what seemed like a 5 minute time frame but could have been less, could have been more.
I yelled to one of the other attendees that I saw something in the woods. He came over with his thermal but was unable to see anything.
While talking about what I saw the others also came to see what was going on. I explained what had happened but whatever it was, it was gone and the others wanted to get on with their hike. I stayed to see if it might return. I waited about 15 minutes to see if it came back.
When it had first disappeared, I remember hearing a loud whistle noise to my front and during the 15 minutes I was waiting, I heard a low whistle to my far left. Nothing else seemed to be happening so I went around to the front of the porch to have a seat and think about what I saw.
During this time, I developed a bad headache and started to hurt all over, feeling like my energy was draining. Then out of nowhere, I hear a low (bullfrog like tone) sound or a deep guttural voice. To me, it was loud, strong, and maybe a one syllable word, possibly saying “go” or “out”. I asked if anyone else had heard this sound and no one had. At this point, I thought that it was time for me to go because I felt like I was not wanted there. I was not afraid, but I felt something didn't want me there anymore. Once back at our camp, I drew what I saw on a piece of cardboard. I headed to the fire pit area and was going to talk with the others that weren't with us, but my emotions started to get the better of me and I went back to my tent. I guess I felt like I saw something that my brain was trying to tell me is a myth. But, I saw it.
I was at my tent for at least an hour when I was approached by a friend checking on me. I told him what had happened and he went to let our group leaders know. They came to my tent and we talked about the whole situation. I began to feel better as we talked about what I saw. The next morning before we all left for home, I and a friend (who is a BFRO investigator) went back to the area so I could show him where everything happened.
ALSO NOTICED: Right after the sighting I remember hearing a loud whistle coming from the same are I saw the head. As I was standing there 15 minutes later I heard the same whistle but further away to my left. OTHER WITNESSES: No other witnesses OTHER STORIES: This area has reportedly had a history of activity and just a few days before a few people in our group heard a loud slap on the back side of building. TIME AND CONDITIONS: 2:15pm in the afternoon. It was sunny day without a cloud in the sky. Temperature was in the mid 70's and low humidity. ENVIRONMENT: Lush forest mixed with pines, vines and leafy seasonal trees that were almost at full color.
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Wayne Tillett:
A group had gone to the same area a few nights before and while everyone was in the front yard of the structure something seemed to loudly slap the back of it. Reportedly, no one went around to see what it could have been.
The next day, much of the same group returned and recreated the “slap” and it seems to have been something with flesh making the sound. Ruling out falling branches or nuts.
This was also when the possible print was seen but no one had brought plaster so a picture was taken instead.
When Andy and I saw the picture later that afternoon we decided that one of us should go back and try to cast it. That was fortuitous as that's when he had his sighting. (The photo is not included in this report because there is no detail seen, and we were not confident that it was any sort of print.)
The morning after his sighting and as we were all getting ready to leave, Andy agreed to return to the location for a follow up interview and to document everything with pictures. Somewhat still in shock from his experience, he courageously led me back to the area behind the structure where he had seen the head peeking over the hill. Keeping in mind that he hadn't felt very welcomed there a few hours before, I thought it best to keep things moving along.
Andy pointed out the area where he had seen the face. It did seem to be roughly 50 yards away and the terrain looked a little rough to get through. The land where the figure was standing does drop off and the creature could have been in a low crouch or stance while looking through the break in limbs and vines over the embankment.
Following his sighting, this is what Andy sketched upon returning to camp about an hour or so later.

The following is Andy's final approved artwork by him and placed in the pic of the location that he felt best represented what he saw.

The fterrain between it and the back yard of the old structure certainly would provide a “mote” like defense for it.
Andy seemed profoundly moved by his experience and I have no reason to doubt his story. I just wish he had presence of mind at that moment to take out his phone or somehow call over someone else to try and get visual evidence. But you never know how you'll react till it happens to you.
This is the actual full area view of the place where he saw the head peeking at him -

The day he saw the head looking over the hill at him was sunny and without a cloud in the sky. With those conditions and the length of time along with movement observed it is my opinion that Andy had a rare and legitimate daylight sighting.
This area certainly has enough food sources to support a few family groups of Bigfoots. The area along the Tellico River was inhabited for thousands of years by hundreds of indigenous people at a time.
About BFRO Investigator Wayne Tillett:
Since 2020 Wayne has been on many BFRO field expeditions as well as other private and public Bigfoot expeditions and searches. With his art and people skills he has interviewed several eyewitnesses and drawn what they saw from their descriptions.
Wayne recently co-organized BFRO Tennessee Fall 2024 Expedition.