DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Tennessee > Lincoln County > Report # 6638
Report # 6638  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Sunday, July 20, 2003.
Night time sighting of a white creature near Kelso
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YEAR: 2003

SEASON: Summer


DATE: 16

STATE: Tennessee

COUNTY: Lincoln County

LOCATION DETAILS: We are located approx 15 miles SE of Fayetteville,TN Near Teal Hollow We are also just a few miles from Flintville where other sighting have been reported


NEAREST ROAD: Sweetsprings Rd

OBSERVED: My neice went out to roll the windows up on my daughters car when she heard someone hollering at her. She looked toward a field next to the house and seen something white standing there.
It kept making the noise and spooked her so she ran back in the house to tell us. Shortly after this our dogs started barking. My daughters boyfriend took a flashlight out next to the fence to see if he could see anything.

He ran in the house to get the gun because he heard some movement. When he returned to the fence he shined the flashlight toward the woods again. What he saw stunned him for a few seconds. He said it was a huge white fury creature. He fired the gun and the creature stumbled and took off runing.

While all this was taking place my daughter and neice were standing on the porch and witnessed the whole thing. They seen enough of the creature to describe it as being a huge, white furry creature on two feet instead of four. They also heard the low deep grunt my neice had already heard earlier.

ALSO NOTICED: They all heard breaking of trees as it ran off. Noone has been brave enough to go into the woods to see if we could find tracks or traces of hair.

OTHER WITNESSES: Three persons actually seen it. 2 adults and 1 child.

OTHER STORIES: A woman once told me there had been sighting in the area. About 7 years ago my daughter swears she seen a creature run across the road in her rearview mirror. About 6 years ago we had a horse that went crazy one night. When my husband checked it out our fence was broken down with long white hairs stuck in the barbwire.I also found on your website today an article about the Flintville Monster and a sighting in New Market, AL which is only about 20 miles away

TIME AND CONDITIONS: All happened between 10:30pm and 11:30pm It was very warm, sky was clear. Dark but was close to an outside light like a street light

ENVIRONMENT: We have a lot of wooded area around us. We have several springs above and underground. Our well is run from a underground spring.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Tony Gerard:

I spoke with the witness and her mother. They live on 66 acres, much of it wooded. There are springs on the property. Several days before the incident they smelled a very unpleasant odor. They assumed it was an animal carcass, but could not find the source of the smell.

The daughter related the sighting took place about 30 minutes after the niece had gone outside. She was approximately 35 feet from the creature and her former boyfriend was much closer.

The creature was over 6 feet tall with a very broad body, especially in the shoulders. The creature's face was "between a monkey and a human" in appearance and its hair was "long and coarse, like a golden retriever," and white in color, "like an old person’s hair." The creature was standing on two legs and "ran away on two legs like a human."

About BFRO Investigator Tony Gerard:

Tony Gerard is a community college biology professor.

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