DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Michigan > Ogemaw County > Report # 55541
Report # 55541  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, September 6, 2016.
Motorist has a possible daylight sighting just north of South Branch
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YEAR: 2016

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: September

DATE: 9 5 16

STATE: Michigan

COUNTY: Ogemaw County

LOCATION DETAILS: One mile north of town

NEAREST TOWN: South Branch

NEAREST ROAD: South Branch

OBSERVED: Driving down road 7am light fog large figure. Looked like a ghillie suit. In road seen my car lights step in ditch then woods.


TIME AND CONDITIONS: 7 am light fog

ENVIRONMENT: Forest just myself

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Caroline Curtis:

In addition to submitting a report, this witness called us. I returned his phone call and talked to him at length. He is retired, been in the Military, lived and hunted his entire life in Northern Michigan, and more recently has hunted in Florida during the Winter months. He contacted us because he has never seen anything like this.

He had stayed the weekend at his cabin in Curtisville and left early Labor Day morning to avoid traffic, returning to his home in Flint. It was daylight, there was fog, but the fog had lifted about 10 feet. He first saw the figure in the road on the left side from a 1/2 mile away, he thought it was a jogger getting ready to cross. As he got closer, he assumed the figure saw his car and headlights so it proceeded to cross, into the small grassy ditch and then the wood line that was about 10 feet from the road. When it moved he said it resembled a person in a ghillie suit. The figure was thick and wide, and all black. He knew it wasn't a bear because he figured once it started moving, especially when it went into the ditch, it should have gone down on all fours. He slowed down to 5 mph as he passed the location, and to his surprise there was no trail or driveway. A hunter in a ghillie suit didn't make sense since it was not hunting season yet.

When I asked if he could take someone back to the exact location he said it would be difficult, because in this area where there are no driveways or houses, everything looks the same.

This region has a strong history of Bigfoot sightings. In 2011 a BFRO Expedition was held not far from this location, also in the Huron National Forest.

About BFRO Investigator Caroline Curtis:

  • Worked as an Assistant to a Circuit Court Judge in Florida for thirteen years
  • An avid outdoorswoman, growing up in the UP of Michigan on a family-owned fishing and hunting resort
  • Certified Visual Tracker, Level 1
  • Attended and assisted with numerous public and private BFRO expeditions
  • She and the Florida BFRO organized South Florida Expedition 2008, North Florida Expedition 2008 and Central Florida Expedition in 2009.
  • She and the Michigan BFRO organized the Lower-Michigan Expedition in 2011, Michigan UP Expeditions in 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018 and Wisconsin 2018
  • BFRO Secretary for almost 20 years

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