DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Michigan > Ottawa County > Report # 5280
Report # 5280  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Sunday, November 10, 2002.
Two cars stop to let pair of BF cross the road
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YEAR: 2002


MONTH: November


STATE: Michigan

COUNTY: Ottawa County

LOCATION DETAILS: N.W. of the City of Holland, (exact location edited)


NEAREST ROAD: (edited)

OBSERVED: I was coming home from a school function around 9:00 in the evening on a thursday, down (edited) street. Shortly after passing (edited) the car in front of me began to slow down, and I thought they were going to turn, but they did not signal. They then came to a complete stop and I was slowly coming up behind them. Something then crossed the road. At first I thought it was deer, not giving it much thought, but then I realized it was probably a good four feet taller than the mid-size car in front of me. Another one followed not too far behind the first. They were very large, barrel chested, like a gorrilla walking like a human. They sort of marched, lifting their knees higher than a person would when they walked. They did not seem at all frightened by the running cars with bright lights, they didn't even look towards the cars. I couldn't see their color or texture because of the darkness, and they were definitely not human.
The car in front of me took off quickly, and I drove past a little slower looking out my window, kind of half hoping to see them once again. I hurried home after that, quite shaken.

OTHER WITNESSES: Possibly - in the car ahead.


TIME AND CONDITIONS: A little after 9 pm.
Overcast, dry, dark, and warm.

ENVIRONMENT: Road, driveways, It is a populated area. Mixed trees, open fields.

Follow-up investigation report:

I spoke with this witness at length. He is a young man, 17. After this experience he went home and told his parents and admits he isn't sure if they thought he was "crazy" or not. He was, as he noted in his report, quite shaken. However, rather than blowing him off, his Dad did a search on the web and found the BFRO, and he encouraged his son to file a report. This particular area of the State is not known to me as having had any prior activity, and the area of the sighting is relatively populated - but with many forests and farms nearby. I feel this witness is very credible for a number of reasons. He and I would both like to speak with the people in the car ahead of his. (I can be reached through the "comments" link at, or, a formal report can be filed.) This witness has my contact information and we will remain in touch.

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