DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Alabama > Lamar County > Report # 35475
Report # 35475  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Monday, May 21, 2012.
Daylight road crossing near Vernon
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YEAR: 2012

SEASON: Summer


DATE: 5/21/12

STATE: Alabama

COUNTY: Lamar County

LOCATION DETAILS: Co. Rd 9 Lamar County Alabama


NEAREST ROAD: County Rd. 9

OBSERVED: This is NOT a joke, I'm well known here married to a funeral home director my brother n law is a law enforcement officer. I saw it clearly crossing the road right in front of me, I'm 6'4" so is my brother n law this creature was considerably taller than me probably 6'8" shuffling like an orangutan but more human-like but not like a man. It was covered in long hair maybe 4-6 inches long. It was not walking but not running... quickly shuffling. The most distinguishing feature was its arms, slump shouldered and its hands were below its knees. Now here is the deal, I don't drink I don't do drugs, I'm 55 yrs old as of May this year, have three grandbabies and two sons. I'm a christian and have NEVER, EVER, believed in bigfoot. I don't know what this was but i do know this.... it was NOT human, no costume but not 100 percent animal. I SAW IT CLEARLY MYSELF. Please take this seriously! I don't care if you contact me personally or not but please check this thing out there is something out there i saw it myself. Is it "bigfoot" I've no idea but its something... thank you for your time



OTHER STORIES: Yes so has my nephew who is a deputy

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Day, clear I was coming home from a little league baseball game and saw it clearly about 7:45

ENVIRONMENT: Lots of trees rural

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Michael Brumfield :

The witness was coming home around 7:45 pm from a Little League game. He had just dropped his grandson off a few minutes before coming across a 6’8” or better creature crossing the road ahead of him. The creature had just dropped down to the roadway from a 10 ft. hill. This black/gray colored animal was covered in 6-8 “hair much like an orangutan". The creature did not appear to even notice him as it shuffled across the gravel road. The muscles could be seen to flex as the creature moved quickly across the road heading for a swamp. The swamp area has been a source of creature sightings across the years, according to the local sheriff’s office.

The witness is a business man in the area and was afraid to come forth with his observation for some time. He explained that it was at least three restless, sleepless nights before he could wrap his head around what he had seen. He is an avid hunter who spends a considerable amount of time in the forest. While sitting in his tree stand and hunting blind he has heard screams that are unfamiliar to him. He has since set out trail cams, but so far has had no luck.

About BFRO Investigator Michael Brumfield :

Mike has worked 15 years as a quality control lab technician. Has attended many private investigations, BFRO Georgia 2011, Alabama 2013, NW Florida 2013 and 2014,2015. He has been interested in the Bigfoot subject since he was a kid. Spent time as a docent at the Gulf Breeze Zoo. Avid outdoorsman, spent most of his life in the woods and has hiked parts of the Appalachian Trail.
Mike helped organize the Alabama 2013, NW Florida 2015 public expedition.

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