DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > Canada > Alberta > Report # 34794
Report # 34794  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Monday, March 26, 2012.
Possible dusk sighting at Kananaskis campground
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YEAR: 2011

SEASON: Spring


DATE: 14



LOCATION DETAILS: It was just south of the bow valley campground located just off the Trans Canada highway and the Stoney Indian reserve.

NEAREST TOWN: Bow Valley Campground

NEAREST ROAD: Highway 1 (Transcanada)

OBSERVED: I was camping with my daughter and dog, we had went down by the river after dinner just prior to the sun going down. My daughter and myself were skipping rocks into the river(east side), my dog was watching for squirrels and rabbits behind us (see was looking northeast). Just after the sun went down I called the dog over to get a drink before we left, she came to the river and stopped. She started to stare across the river, and her hair started to brissle. I looked over the river and what I thought was a grizzly bear(west side of river). It was right at the bank of the river, and then it stood onto it back legs turned around and walked into the brush behind it(3 maybe 4 steps before I could not see it.) I'm not sure how big but I would guess well over 6' 6" - 7' 0" and was twice to triple the width of a person. It was across the river and upstream, about 165 yards from me.

ALSO NOTICED: My dog chases wildlife, she is a sight hound, she loves to chase. She will chase rabbits, deer, and even stood in between a bear and myself later that year. With this she was scared.

OTHER WITNESSES: I was there with my daughter (8) who did not see, and my dog, so no other witnesses


TIME AND CONDITIONS: It was around 9pm just after the sun went behind the mountians.

ENVIRONMENT: River bank, very well treed on both sides, in a valley with mountians closer to the west side.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Gary Cronin:

I had the opportunity to visit the site of the encounter with the witness. The creature he saw would have gone unnoticed except for the awareness of his dog. Once he spotted it he was unsure as to whether it was a boulder or an animal of some kind. After about 30 seconds it moved and he could then see that whatever it was in a squatting position and stood, pivoted and walked into the trees. He estimates that it was substantially larger than a person, closer to 7 feet, and had much larger mass than a large man. Sighting was just before dusk, it was still light outside and witness was amazed at just how camouflaged the creature was.

A few added facts lead me to believe that this was likely a sasquatch sighting. First the witness is ex-Canadian military and has had training in target recognition. He is convinced that this was not a person. Second, there was another report from two mountain climbers who believe they encountered a sasquatch within two kilometers of this location in the same month.

About BFRO Investigator Gary Cronin:

Gary first became interested in sasquatch when he moved from Liverpool England to Calgary Canada in 1975. He soon came upon a book by a John Green and has been fascinated with the topic ever since. He has attended the 2007 Vancouver Island Expedition and the 2008 BC Coastal Expedition. He is in the field scouring the Eastern Slopes of the Rockies for evidence on a weekly basis. Gary was involved in organizing the 2009 and 2010 Alberta expeditions.

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