DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Michigan > Marquette County > Report # 34006
Report # 34006  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Thursday, March 1, 2012.
Large, unusual footprints observed in deep snow near Bass Lake
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YEAR: 2008

SEASON: Winter

MONTH: April


STATE: Michigan

COUNTY: Marquette County

LOCATION DETAILS: These prints were observed on a road leading to Bass Lake

NEAREST TOWN: Gwinn, Michigan


OBSERVED: April 2,2008 I was attempting to get back to my home in the woods; we had had a very heavy wet snowfall -- blizzard like conditions== the night before which prevented me from driving home that night. The following morning was very sunny and just above freezing. As I attempted to drive down my two-track road my 4WD SUV became stuck in the wet, deep snow.

The snow came nearly to my knees making walking difficult. As I turned up my road I noticed foot prints leading down my road, at which time I attempted to follow in the tracks. Needless to say I was amazed at how large these prints were and the distance between each print. . . the prints were approximately 15 inches long and 8 inches wide with a stride of approximately 4 feet. These prints were prestine in nature and straight covering 100-150 feet.

Being a very skeptical person about "Big Foot", I have absolutely no idea what else to think. I now am rethinking my original doubt.


OTHER STORIES: Approximately 15 years ago, the witness's son and his cousin frequently rowed their small boat across Bass Lake to the Cyr Swamp area near the old Cyr Mine location. Both boys mentioned several times that trees in the vicinity of the Cyr Mine area where they periodically adventured into had large branches broken off about ten to twelve feet above the ground. According to the witness, the boys often wondered how so many large branches could have been broken off so high above the ground, over such an extended period of time. In addition, both boys noted that the large branches were broken off during the summer and fall months - when there was no snow and ice to cause the limb damage.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Late morning around 11:00AM
Very sunny.

ENVIRONMENT: Densely wooded area with numerous small ponds, swamp areas and lakes and creeks nearby. Area also contains numerous deer, ducks, geese and small game. (Two deer were observed close to the foot print sightings during the course of the investigation.) Blue Berry patches are also present throughout the area.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Steve Nystrom:

I met with the witness at her cottage and we walked to the location where her vehicle had become stuck in the deep snow, and then traced her steps back to her cottage on Bass Lake. Along the way she pointed out the location of her neighbor’s tracks heading toward their cottages along the road close to where her stuck vehicle had stopped. The witness then identified the distinct starting and stopping points of the large, suspect tracks further up the road and where they eventually veered off the road in a northernly direction into the swamp. The witness explained in detail how the tracks made by the suspected Sasquatch were considerably larger (15 inches long, 8 inches wide), nearly in a straight line, and most importantly the distance between the individual footprints which, was very large - at least 4 feet. Also, the indents for each of the individual suspected tracks were clean, and the snow around the footprints was not disturbed like those made by the witness and her neighbors. (Deer, rabbits and other game tend to leave marks in deep snow because they have to drag their feet.) The witness and I also drove over to the Cyr Mine location southwest of her cottage to examine the area where her son and his friends years before - had frequently noticed large broken off branches ten to twelve feet high above the ground on several trees. The Cyr Mine location is in a densely wooded swamp area, teaming with wildlife including deer, geese and ducks. Finally, the witness is a Registered Nurse who has worked in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan for approximately 40 years. Therefore, she is used to dealing with various things in logical, matter-of-fact way. In addition, her cottage has been in her family for generations, so she is very familiar with the wildlife that inhabits the local area. The footprints that she saw in the snow were not made by one of the more familiar forms of wildlife. Given the landscape and habitat where the prints were sighted, as well as their unique qualities tells me that they may have been made by a Sasquatch.

About BFRO Investigator Steve Nystrom:

Steve Nystrom is an active member of the BFRO. He enjoys investigating reports of Sasquatch encounters and vocalizations throughout the Midwest. Mr. Nystrom is a Senior Analyst with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. He has had a number of leadership, staff and analyst positions throughout his career, which also includes deployments to Iraq in 2008 and 2010. He recently graduated from the U.S. Army's Command and General Staff College and is attending the U.S. Army's School of Advanced Military Studies.

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