DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Georgia > Crisp County > Report # 30483
Report # 30483  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Thursday, August 25, 2011.
Possible road crossing observed at dusk by a truck driver on I-75 south of Cordele
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YEAR: 2011

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: August

DATE: 25

STATE: Georgia

COUNTY: Crisp County


NEAREST ROAD: I-75 between Mile Markers 89 and 91

OBSERVED: Crossed highway in front of me.

ALSO NOTICED: Shined flash light in the woods, something let out a grunt

OTHER WITNESSES: No I'm a truck driver


ENVIRONMENT: Dusk, dark spooky fog on one side of the road

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Mike Familant:

I spoke with the witness via phone conversation on June 9. After speaking with the witness, I find him both truthful and credible.

The witness states he was driving on I-75 when an 8-9 foot creature crossed the highway in front of his vehicle. He says that it crossed approximately 100-150 yards in front of him. The creature was crossing from left to right, the left being a dense forest, and the right being a pecan orchard.

The creature crossed a 4-lane highway in six steps, and cleared the median in one large stride.

He stated that the sighting happened at dusk, in foggy conditions. There was a break in traffic, and there was one vehicle behind him who could have also witnessed the incident.

After the creature crossed the highway, it jumped a 6 foot high fence by placing a hand on a post and lunging over it.

The witness stopped, and pulled over on the side of the highway. He stated he has two spotlights in his truck. He grabbed one, and directed the light into the area of where he saw it jump the fence. At that time, he saw red/orange eyeshine, distal to the fence. At the time when he saw the eyeshine, there was a low-pitch grunt which was heard. He states, "It still makes the hairs stand up, just thinking about it." He observed the eyeshine for 15-20 seconds, and then he knew he had to get out of there.

Being a fairly distant encounter, he could not describe the creature, other than a bipedal subject covered in dark hair. "it looked like a big, dark man."

The witness initially reported the sighting to the BFRO after being referred to by a friend. He has told family members and friends, only to be laughed at and called "crazy."

There were no broken down vehicles along the road. He states that this was not a misidentification, and that a bear would not be able to bi-pedially function and move across the highway the way this creature did.

About BFRO Investigator Mike Familant:

Mike has been interested in Bigfoot for years. He has attended the 2012 and 2013 Florida Expeditions, and investigates Bigfoot as his hobby. He is an EMT and soon to be Paramedic residing in North NJ.

Mike has attended the North FL in 2012 and 2014, as well and the public expeditions in South NJ in 2014 and North NJ 2015. Mike goes on day hikes at least once a week, and camping 3 or 4 times per month.

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