DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > New Hampshire > Merrimack County > Report # 1975
Report # 1975  (Class B)
Submitted by witness T. S. on Friday, March 16, 2001.
Couples hears late night scream in Loudon
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YEAR: 2001

SEASON: Winter

MONTH: January

DATE: 10

STATE: New Hampshire

COUNTY: Merrimack County

LOCATION DETAILS: It happened in the woods across from the NH International Speedway in the areas between Loudon and Chichester or so...big patch of woods out there very rural all the way to winnepesaukee.



OBSERVED: Well it was a few weeks ago in Loudon, NH. Me and my wife had just settled into a house nestled next to a farm. It was night time no real overcast or anything. From inside the house we heard what we thought was barking constantly. We own several dogs so we were used to it. this continued for about an hour or two then quieted down. Later on that evening about 2am or so we heard the most bloodcurdling sound ever. The only way i can describe it is like about 20 dogs all screaming and yaulping at once in a shrill chorused scream. We haven't heard it again but it came from across the farmer's field in the woods across from The speedway. I'd have to say the date was around January 10th or so. We have heard other things too and seen plenty of deer...but never heading across the field. We don't know what it was and did not see it at all. We have seen shadows move down the dirt road we live on but figured it was just someone walking up the road. Maybe we're just paranoid...but i've lived in the woods here a long time and never heard anything like that before.

ALSO NOTICED: Just sporatic barking a few hours before the actual screams.

OTHER WITNESSES: Myself and my wife were just hanging out in the rec room playing pool.

OTHER STORIES: When i was growing up my of the best woodsman's in NH arguably, said that sometimes the woods has more than what you read about in the nature guides, never go unarmed at night in the north country. There are things out there that most people want left out there....he never got specific...but he never lied to me either.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: clear night below freezing, new moon so very dark, might have had some clouds but no real light you could see by.

ENVIRONMENT: mostly a thick coniferous section of wood with alot of pine and oak as well as maple. ALOT of underlying brush though that seems to hinder most travel through the woods. the area is on a rise with the crest being wooded past the field in front of my house

Follow-up investigation report:

I spoke with the witness by phone. The following details can be added to the report.
--The witness grew up in the woods and is experienced with forest animals and their sounds.
--The scream lasted for 2 to 3 seconds.
--The scream seemed to originate 200 yards away from the witness and his wife.
--The scream made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
--Everything got quiet afterwards, including the dogs.
--The witness didn't look for prints the next day because the scream came from his neighbor’s property and he would have had to go across an electric fence to look.
--The dogs would not go outside for two weeks afterwards.
--The couple moved a few months later and never heard another scream.

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