DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > Canada > Ontario > Report # 1561
Report # 1561  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Wednesday, January 31, 2001.
Teen watches as sitting bigfoot eats blueberries
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YEAR: 1986


MONTH: September

DATE: September, 1986



LOCATION DETAILS: South East of kirkland lake, Take Harvy Kirkland Rd. to the dead end. Here the trail starts and goes winding through the bush for many miles. The location of the sighting is about 3 miles in along the trail. the trail goes all the way to the other side of a town called King Kirkand which is far as I have ever gone, about 10 miles. However it is said that the trail is an old logging road and goes all the way across the quebec border and to the north end of Rouyn Noranda

NEAREST TOWN: Kirkland Lake

NEAREST ROAD: Harvy Kirkland Rd.

OBSERVED: There are two seperate incidents I would like to report, both of wich happened many years ago in the same location but on seperate ends of my hometown in northeastern ontario. The first happend when I was only five years old and I never spoke of it until now because it wasn't until I was older that I knew and understood what I had seen. In fact, my realization prompted me to do a repot on bigfoot when I was in grade six for a public speeking contest in wich I had received several awards, going all the way to the Canadian championships for wich I took third place, however I did not make mention of this sighting for reasions of disbelief and fear that it would affect the stability of my report.

It was in the summer of 1975 in the early morning hours probably around 8:30 or so. My mother and I were walking along Government Rd. between Chaput Hughes and Kirkland Lake. In the distance probably about 100 yards away for only a few seconds I seen what appeared to be a hair covered creature that was walking in an upright position along a swampy area on the west side of town. By the time I got my mother's attention the creature han vanished into the woods.

The second sighting was more intense because it was after I had done the public speeking report and I knew what I was seeing and I was self educated on the subject. I actually sat and watched for about 10 min., before I was detected and the creature calmly stood and walked away.

It was in late afternoon in September of 1986 while I was out rabbit hunting. I had been in the bush all day since about 7:00am. As I was inroute for home about three miles southeast of town walking along a trail that I hunted on a regular basis, I seen something out of the corner of my eye wich until I had turned my head, looked and focused my eyes in the slowly darkening brush, thought was a bear. The reason I thought it was a bear was because I was able to smell it. At the time I thought it was strange but it actually smelled worse than a bear, like ten times worse.

When I realized what I was seeing I instintly crouched out of view but still in a position to view this amazing creature. It sat on the ground in a yoga style cross legged position smack dab in the middle of a blueberry patch. It was just sitting there grazing the berries with it's hands and having an afternoon snack. It seemed to be content with the surroundings it was in. It had a massive body that would probably only be comperable to Andre the Giant, maby even bigger. It was completly covered with hair except the area around it's breasts wich appeared to resemble a dark leatherly texture. The face of the creature was not masked with hair, it resembled the face of a gorilla in texture and colour but had the fearures of an early evalutionary man.

As I sat there watching from about 12 yards away I had considered raising my gun and taking a shot. I opted against this because I have morals and was unshure if it was more man than it was animal, plus I didn't want to take a chance of missing or wounding it. I only had a single shot 22 bolt action and if it chose to attack in retaliation I would not have had time to reload. I watched for about 10 min. then I had to reveil myself for it was starting to get dark, and not because of bigfoot, but you do not want to be in the bush of northern ontario, even if you know where you are going, after dark. When the creature saw me it did not respond in the way I had expected. It just simply stood without the use of it's hands and calmly walked away.

OTHER WITNESSES: There were no witnesses however while on a recent hunting trip in the same area, my brother made it known to me that on a couple of occasions he and a friend sighted something wich they believe to be a bigfoot

OTHER STORIES: I know that there have been other sightings in the area but most people keep it to themselves because, who will belive them? Well I do.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: It was about 4:30 to 5:00pm. It was just starting to get dark and it was a warm sunny afternoon

ENVIRONMENT: Out in the middle of noware in a densely populated evergreen forest. There is a wide variety of other trees and plant life as well as swampland and a vast abundance of fresh water. In my opinion this terrane would be ideal for any wild animal or creature.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Kevin Withers:

During an interview, the witness provided the following additional details:

The bigfoot was about seven feet tall with very broad shoulders and a muscular build. It had brownish black hair which was thinner on the chest. Its skin was leathery and had a dark gray to black color. It had a short, wide nose. The "whites" of the eyes were ash gray and the pupils were large and black. It had a wide mouth with full, negroid looking lips.

The bigfoot was sitting cross-legged (not true Yoga style) and was moving its torso as it reached for different areas in the blueberry patch. It had blueberries in its hands when it stood, and it walked away from the witness and disappeared into the brush about fifteen to twenty seconds later.

Although the bigfoot looked in the direction of the witness immediately before rising, the witness is not positive that the bigfoot actually saw him; it may have just heard him.

The witness believes that the bigfoot did not smell him because there was no wind, and because he was using the full line of "Scent - A - Way" scent neutralizing products.

The witness felt no fear during any part of the sighting.

I'm struck by a similarity between this report and Albert Ostman's story of being abducted by a bigfoot in British Columbia in 1924.

In John Green's book "Sasquatch, The Apes Among Us," Albert Ostman stated: "They were very agile. To sit down they turned their knees out and came straight down."

In this report, the witness states that "It sat on the ground in a yoga style cross legged position..."

And again, Albert Ostman: "To rise they came straight up without help of hands or arms."

And our witness: "It just simply stood without the use of it's hands and calmly walked away."

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