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Geographical Index > United States > Washington > Thurston County > Report # 77171
Report # 77171  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, April 16, 2024.
Two pedestrians encounter a sasquatch 3 miles south of Littlerock near Black River

YEAR: 2024

SEASON: Spring

MONTH: April

DATE: 15

STATE: Washington

COUNTY: Thurston County

LOCATION DETAILS: BLACK RIVER is across from the highway

[Investigator (MM) notes:
Sighting occurred 3 miles south of Littlerock
on Little Rock Road SW.
GPS coordinates for the location
46.865782, -123.028926

NEAREST TOWN: Littlerock

NEAREST ROAD: Littlerock Road SW

OBSERVED: It was dark hair all over it and it moved while I was looking up at it. It then turned and crouched down and looked at me.

OTHER WITNESSES: One other witness beside me. He heard brush moving something rustling. He told me. I asked where. He kept walking, but I kept looking where he pointed.

OTHER STORIES: Yes. Another person down a mile sitting in her car seen a large creature. She said she looked up and something was watching her.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: 600pm it was light and sunny.

ENVIRONMENT: Along the old railroad grade.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Scott Taylor:

Please click these images for larger version.

4/19/24 I called the witness and left a message. She called back.

This is what she told me over the phone:

She and her friend were walking along Littlerock Road SW, partly for excercise but also looking for aluminum cans. They were each on one side of the road. She was closest to the creature on the east side. Her friend was on the opposite side. They both heard something rustling in the brush. He pointed to where he heard the rustling up on the railroad bed. She looked to where he was pointing. She said she could see a very dark form and thought it was a shadow at first.

It was not at the edge of the road but rather up on the old abandonned railroad bed next to the road. The railroad bed is no longer mark on modern maps. It runs parallel to Littlerock Road.
She was standing down on the road 20-30 feet away from the creature.

As she was looking at it, it stepped towards her, turning from a side view to a full-frontal view, and then squatted down, looking at her.

She said that it looked like a caveman with hair all over it. She described it as massive and black in color. I asked her to describe the face. She said that it had hair all over its face, but that the eyes were an amber color. (The sun would have been shining on it because it was facing west. The sun was in the west at this time of day. It was sunny day.)

I asked how large it was. She couldn’t tell me, so she put her friend on the phone. He saw it too, but from the other side of the road. He said he estimated it to be 9 feet tall.

4/25/24, 4:00PM. My wife and I met the witnesses at the location, I asked the witnesses to point out where they were when they had the sighting. The male witness had placed a fallen branch up against the guardrail to mark the spot. They pointed out where the railroad grade was. It is very old and overgrown. One would miss it if they didn’t know it was there.

I asked the female witness where she was standing when she had the sighting. She indicated that she was on the east side, closest to the railroad grade. The male witness was on the west side. I took photos from the position of each witness to document the position of the sasquatch as pointed out.

The male witness stated that he was hearing something walking through the brush on the railroad grade, and mentioned it to the female witness. They both saw the large black “shadow”. I asked the witnesses to describe what movements they observed. She said that it was facing north, and they were seeing it from the side, then it turned to its left to face them, and squatted down.

She said that she could still see it after it squatted and that it had bright amber colored eyes, and hair all over its face. She kept saying, “It wasn’t human”. The male witness saw the same.

After reviewing what they had seen, the female witness became very distressed about being there. She wanted to leave. Talking to the male witness, he mentioned that it didn’t bother him to be there as he had seen two of them in the past, and wasn’t afraid of them. At the female witness’s insistence, they both walked back up the road to the public boat launch, 0.6 miles to the north, where their friend was parked. He was their ride.

After exploring the area to the south, my wife and I drove back to the boat launch. The witnesses and their ride had departed by that point. We parked at a gate on the east side of the road. I checked my onX map program and determined that the road we were parked on was access to a square mile of Washington State land, and open to walk-in.

The road followed the side of the hill to the east, crossing the railroad grade, and up to the top of a plateau area. We found several trails and up at the top followed one trail in a southerly direction. It went about 200 yards, and then dropped down the slope to the railroad grade. It was obvious that people and wildlife used that trail to get to the railroad grade.

We noticed some curiously arranged piles of stones near where the trail dropped down to the railroad grade. We took some photos. We then went back to the road and followed it east for about a half mile. The area is ideal sasquatch habitat.

4/30/24 7:00PM. We returned to the pull-out where the witnesses had their sighting. I found a cut in the east side road bank where a creek flowed under the railroad grade and into the road side ditch. I worked my way up into the cut to see if I could access the railroad grade from there. I found a trail of sorts going from the creek, straight up the almost vertical slope about 8 feet up to the railroad grade.

There were two impressions in the side of the bank that resembled steps. They would enable as sasquatch to take a step with a right foot, then a left foot, and the third step would put them on top of the railroad grade. The spacing was too large for me to attempt. Also, I didn’t want to disturb what I saw. I took photos with my marked walking stick for scale.

The impressions were about 8 inches wide. This spot would be perfect for a sasquatch crossing the road to dart into from the opposite side and vanish. I believe that is what they are doing.

These photos show the cut in the road bank.

These photos show the “steps” in side of the above cut leading up to the railroad grade.

I then walked along the road for about 50 feet and found a spot where I could jump across the ditch (about 4 feet) and scramble up the bank to the railroad grade. At the railroad grade I found a trail going down the middle. From the middle of the grade, one could walk along and never be seen or heard by anybody on the road.

I found the exact spot where the sasquatch was reported to be standing. The sasquatch was not on the center of the railroad grade trail, it had to have been walking along the edge closest to the road. There were indications in the brush that something had walked through there. I took some photos, but they don’t show much. I looked for tracks and impressions, but other than disturbed vegetation, there was little to see. The railroad grade is very densely packed material. I would not expect tracks to be visible.

This photo shows the scene as the witnesses saw it, approximately the same time of day.

This photo shows the railroad grade level and location where the sasquatch was standing.

I stood in the spot where the sasquatch was standing. I raised my hat on the end of my walking stick to about 8-9 feet above the ground to indicate where its head would be.

This photo indicates the position of the sasquatch from up on the railroad grade, looking north.

We determined that even from the side of the road closest to the sasquatch, the witness would have been able to see it, even if it squatted down.

This is what the female witness could see from her position with the sasquatch squatting. I am 5’5” tall, about the same as a crouching sasquatch.

Littlerock Road SW runs generally in a North-South direction. About 1.4 miles east is a powerline right of way that is parallel to Littlerock Road. The area in between is all forest, except for four private residences, which happened to be near where the sighting was. These properties are posted. Then there is the Black River which runs parallel to Littlerock Road to the west. To the west of the river, 2 miles across sparsely occupied farm country is The Capitol Forest.

After looking the area over carefully, I believe that these two people were probably being followed and watched by a curious sasquatch as they walked along the road. If the sasquatch was just walking the trail, they never would have seen or heard it. Since they could hear it walking, it had to have been off the trail and close to the side of the railroad grade, as there is quite a lot of brush there. Also, in order to be able to see it, it had to be at the side of the railroad grade closest to the road.

About BFRO Investigator Scott Taylor:

Scott Taylor is a retired aerospace manager. He lives in Mason County, Washington. He had his first bigfoot encounter in October 2005 where he was stalked and later heard vocalizations.

Scott has attended official BFRO Expeditions in the Washington Cascades in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. He also attended 2007 Central Oregon Cascades and 2007 Utah. He now organizes BFRO expeditions in Washington and has participated in bigfoot conferences over the past 17 years.

Scott will be leading a Washington BFRO expedition in 2025 (July 17-20) which is open to non-members. For more details and registration information for that trip click here.