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Geographical Index > United States > Washington > Grays Harbor County > Report # 47855
Report # 47855  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Sunday, February 1, 2015.
Woman and her friend are visited by three creatures near Ocean Shores

YEAR: 2015

SEASON: Winter

MONTH: January


STATE: Washington

COUNTY: Grays Harbor County

LOCATION DETAILS: Location removed by this investigator to protect the location.

NEAREST TOWN: Ocean Shores

NEAREST ROAD: Discovery Ave.

OBSERVED: About 8pm. a couple of nights ago, I was working in my garage and something big brushed up against the outside garage door. It was really loud and got my attention. I went upstairs and made sure no one was outside causing the noise. That night about 330am. my girl friend told me she heard a storage box in the back of my pickup truck being opened and moved around. I got up, went to see.

I didn't see anything around the truck, but did see reflections of three sets of eyes just in front of the house about 50'. Two sets of eye reflections were lower, one set around 4' tall, the other about 6' tall. The third set of eyes stood at least 8' tall or higher. I did this because there was a tree next to them and some branches were present during the observation. I observed the reflections for about an hour.

The next morning my girl friend and I walked out into the yard. We could see that something disturbed the dew that was on the grass. She found two huge tracks that appeared to be barefoot.

OTHER WITNESSES: One was woke up during the night.
The other observed the situation.

OTHER STORIES: Other incidents have been reported in the Ocean Shores area.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: About 8pm. and about 330am. Lighting was front porch and clear weather.

ENVIRONMENT: Roadway, grass, power pole, Large tree, some small bushes.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Scott Taylor:

I know this witness from Report #41111. She is not comfortable with sasquatches hanging around, but yet she is intrigued by them. At the Sasquatch Summit in November 2014, she mentioned that she thought sasquatches were passing through her property located on the bay side of the Ocean Shores area. She invited me to come visit and take a look around her property. The third weekend of January, I was over in the area for a weekend at a friend’s cabin, so I called her and made arrangements to go visit.

On Saturday, January 24th we went over to her house. Her friend was there too. I had met him while investigating report Report #46520 a couple of months ago. He lives across the street from that report location. They took us around her property, looking in particular at the green-belt wood-line between her property and the neighbors behind her and also the road behind their property. I was interested in looking at the places where sasquatches could watch the people inside the house from the cover of the woods. There are trails there, but no sign that it was people. They said that they had been putting out food in various places, and sometimes it would be taken. One time, they put out a trail camera and covered it with grass to hide it. Checking it a short time later, they found that the grass had been removed and tossed-aside. There was nothing on the camera. There is no evidence of people making regular use of this patch of forest; no garbage or wrappers. I also noticed that next to the driveway that there were fresh river rocks placed as a landscaping decoration. I asked if the river rocks were ever moved around. They said that they had not noticed. We talked with them about the situation there for a while and then left.

Two weeks later, another investigator e-mailed me to say that there were two new reports from the Ocean Shores area and that they were asking for me. I looked up those reports. I recognized that it was the same person. Her friend had written the first report, and signed her name to it. He was using her computer. There was no effort to mislead by them doing this; they are honest folks. There was also a second report, this one by her boyfriend. He was retracting his first report. He felt that based on what they saw that there was not enough evidence, so he was trying to back-out his report. Knowing both of them, I called and talked with them as I knew something must be happening there.

Here is what I found out:

On February 1st, in the evening, after dark, He was in the garage, downstairs, when something banged on the garage door, startling him. She was upstairs. He ran upstairs to look outside to see if anybody was out there. He didn’t see anything. Later that night, about 3:30AM, she was awakened by the sound of something messing around with the big plastic box in the back of her boyfriend’s Toyota pickup truck. He got up and went to the window to investigate, and noticed three sets of glowing eyes across the street in front of their house. It appeared that there were two small individuals and one tall adult. He and she watched them for around an hour. The next morning they investigated the yard and found large footprints in the wet grass.

Late in the evening of February 3rd, two days after this report was filed, they noticed that there were four creatures in the yard. She said that one was initially close to their back deck (which is on the second floor). It then moved away to the middle of the yard and squatted down. Then it moved on all fours to the SE corner of their yard over at the wood-line where the trail goes into the green-belt. It stayed there watching the house. This one appeared to be an adult. The other three, moved away from the house to over by the south side trees, and away from the area lighted by the street light. There were two smaller ones and one adult, judging by height. They said that they watched these creatures in the yard for most of the night. She said that she could see the dim outline of the creatures in the dark as well as the eye-glow.

The next day, they checked the two peanut-butter jars that they had placed out in the back of the house near the wood-line. One was gone, and the other was completely cleaned-out. There is also a plastic bin that they have been putting food into. This was missing. They have also brought more rocks into the yard for landscaping. These are piled behind the house. They noticed that something had moved these rocks around. This is normal sasquatch behavior, and is seen very often in places where some degree of habituation is going on.

I will be staying in contact with this witness. I am sure that the activity will be on-going and that we will learn more about these creatures.

About BFRO Investigator Scott Taylor:

Scott Taylor is a retired aerospace manager. He lives in Mason County, Washington. He had his first bigfoot encounter in October 2005 where he was stalked and later heard vocalizations.

Scott has attended official BFRO Expeditions in the Washington Cascades in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. He also attended 2007 Central Oregon Cascades and 2007 Utah. He now organizes BFRO expeditions in Washington and has participated in bigfoot conferences over the past 17 years.

Scott will be leading a Washington BFRO expedition in 2025 (July 17-20) which is open to non-members. For more details and registration information for that trip click here.