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YEAR: 2008
SEASON: Summer
MONTH: August
DATE: 11
STATE: California
COUNTY: Tulare County
LOCATION DETAILS: Parker Meadow in the Sequoia National Monument. I was located approx 3/4 of the way up the western most fire road
NEAREST ROAD: Mountain Road 50
OBSERVED: Loud whooping exchange was heard between at least two, possibly three entities at a range of no more than 500 meters.
Deep whooping was projecting from the southwest, with answers coming from the south/southeast. The answer calls came in higher pitches and might have been coming from two different animals. The whoops could at times be described as moaning and other inflected noises I can't really describe with words.
The exchange lasted for about 30 minutes. The higher ptiched calls shifted slightly from SE to E.
ALSO NOTICED: As soon as light broke we investigated the area. Upon crossing the meadow 100 meters from our camp, we immediently encountered a bear. It ran from the bushes 20 meters to the E of the road we were walking on. It bolted East as we passed. Almost immedietly after we encountered a heard of 20-25 cattle crossing the meadow from north to south away from the creek bottom. However these were not the animals we heard.
OTHER WITNESSES: Two other individuals. One was driving, one riding in a car.
OTHER STORIES: None, aside from the ones I just read about on this site.
TIME AND CONDITIONS: 0430 to 0500... Dark... Clear... Dense forest
ENVIRONMENT: Dense Redwood Forest broken by the meadows. The meadows were quite marshy; filled with runoff from a creek winding out of the indian reservation about a kilometer north of my position. There was plenty of fresh cow deposits.
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Josh Grolemund:
I spoke to the witness and found him to be quite credible. There are significant details to be added to this report.
First a little background on the witness.
He runs his own business in the Los Angeles area. He buys and sells silicon material used to make solar panels. While attending college he was an ROTC Naval mid-shipmen and was a member of the MCW Company (mountain cold weather company). Northern New England recognizes the MCW rescue team as the one to call when no one else can complete the rescue. He has had wilderness survival training and has spent a significant amount of time in the outdoors.
The witness, his cousin, and a friend arrived at Parker Meadow around 4:30am for a week of camping. Upon exiting the vehicle they began hearing what the witness described as people yelling back and forth from the SW to the SE. The voice to the SW was close enough that he feels he should have been able to understand what was being yelled, but the "words" did not make sense.
After a few minutes the unintelligible words became loud and steady whoops. The whoops would continue steadily for a couple of minutes at a time, then multiple higher pitched responses would be heard from the SE. Once this call and answer show began, the witness deduced he was hearing a male voice calling to possibly two female voices. The male voice was whooping, and based on his description, the responding female voices were making calls that sounded like very loud sighs or ahhs. The male voice seemed to be stationary while the female voices were gradually moving towards the male.
At approximately 4:45am the voices stopped altogether. The witness states that he was shocked and frightened, but very curious. His friend and cousin were also scared and confused at what they were hearing. The cousin preferred to remain in the car. It was around this time the witness thought he might be hearing bigfoots. He mentioned it and the friend was excited at the idea, but still scared, and the cousin did not have an opinion.
At approximately 4:55am the call and answer resumed, continuing the same cadence as before the break. As before, the female voices were gradually moving towards the male voice. This continued for another ten minutes and stopped completely. No other unusual voices were heard.
They camped near Parker Meadow for a week and did not see another person.
The witness was aware of the possible existence of Bigfoot, but he had no more than a passing interest in the subject. He is now interested in pursuing the creature.
About BFRO Investigator Josh Grolemund:
Josh Grolmund is a facilities manager for the LA offices of a major international TV production company. He has attended numerous BFRO expeditions and led some himself.